Sunday, April 26, 2009

SolderSmoke 106 Podcast

In SolderSmoke 106:

Sicily, Mt. Etna, The Godfather
DSB success on WSPR
Am I the lowest power WSPR station in the world?
Diode Ring Mixers
SolderSmoke: The Book
SolderSmoke: The Cologne?
And now, a word from our sponsor: Genesis Radio


  1. AHHHHHHHH yes more soldersmoke. I start having withdraws about 3 days after the a new podcast. I am such an addict. Load up the headphones and pump my head full.

    Thanks For the show Bill. 73's

  2. Bill

    Did you forget to say "Happy birthday Samuel Morse". I forgot,, but it seems that Google remembered

    Since Google will have forgotten by tomorrow I point you to the Crawley Amateur Radio Blog, where we have captured the image in thanks to Google.

  3. Regarding Stephanie VA3UXB,
    Did you get a load of her QSL card? HA!!!! I'm still grinning 5 minutes after first seeing it. What a terrific sense of humor!

    73.......Steve Smith WB6TNL
    "Snort Rosin"
