Thursday, July 7, 2011

Merrill Budlong's Drake 2-B

Hi -
I just listened to Soldersmoke 134 and was delighted to hear the reading from Peter Doherty, W1UO.

I first met Peter just before his transcendent 2-B experience. He joined the Fidelity Amateur Radio Club, then K1NQG, of Cranston, RI, which was started by Merrill Budlong (SK), then W1QLD, later W1MB, in 1958. Merrill had a 2-B at that time, so I am almost certain Peter was referring to Merrill's receiver.
Peter received a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Rhode Island. He was an adventurer. After college, we briefly worked together at Merriam Instruments, which was owned by Robert Merriam,W1NTE. (Bob is the founder and curator of The New England Museum of Wireless and Steam in East Greenwich, RI.) Peter soon got wanderlust. He loaded his backpack and took a 1 year trot around the globe. I was astouded when I got a Nepalese postcard from him! Since then he helped deliver vessels from the east coast to Seattle via the Panama canal, worked at the Voice of America, worked in marine electronics in Port Townsend, Washington, and has worked for at least two communications equipment manufacturers. I'm sure he had many other adventures.

The Fidelity Amateur Radio Club is still alive and doing well. Some of the original members are still active with the club, but most of us are gray/bald, fatter, and move slower, but we still love the hobby and appreciate what Merrill did to get so many of us started in our careers. Since Merrill's passing his callsign was transferred to the club and we used it this past Field Day.
Keep up the good work! We ARE listening!
Ken Tata

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing like that Great Drake Sound!

    73.......Steve Smith WB6TNL
    "Snort Rosin"
