Monday, June 4, 2012

Drake 2-B Market up 436%!

We've been hit by a wave of Drake 2-B e-mails.  We take this as an indication that our effort to manipulate the Drake 2-B market is having some success.  Those of you who have invested in our 
SSDRA2B Mega Capital Growth Fund can probably plan on early retirement.   


After listening to you for the last several weeks talk about the virtures of the Drake 2B I began a never ending drooling for that radio.  I never really understood the power of a podcast until I became obsessed with the 2B.  I had seen several at Dayton a couple of weeks ago but resisted the urge.  But today was the day...At a hamfest in Princeton Ill, there was a lone 2B and 2BQ all dressed up and looking for a place to go.  Into my waiting arms that radio jumped.  I tried but could not put it down.  I got my wallet it out and paid the man.  On the drive home I could hear the 2B  making noises like it was tuning the band just for me.  Oh how happy that 2B is now.  With a little cleanup and a new tube and crystal it will be backing doing what it does best.

Just wanted you to know Bill that if it was not for you there would be a 2B waiting and wanting to be adopted..

Love your podcast, keep it up man.

Steve NU0P



I am also happy to report that I have finally laid my hands on my very own Drake 2B.  I have been watching them on ebay for over a year, and I finally spotted one with a reasonable "buy it now" price, so I jumped on it.  As you know, many 2Bs suffer from discoloration and corrosion of the copper plated chassis, but the one I bought is pristine.  I am very pleased.

73 de K8VU



Maybe a little late , my newly acquired 2B serial no. is 8846 . will it help ? about how old do you think it is ?
Cedar Rapids Iowa

Hello Bill

Please attached K9YA article on the Drake 2-B in the June issue.

Kind Regards

Tony G4LLW

Our book: "SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics" Our coffee mugs, T-Shirts, bumper stickers: Our Book Store:


  1. I'm kicking myself because I missed out on a 2B this weekend - saw one on a hamfest table for $125 - when I circled back again, it was gone. Bummer.

  2. Glad I got in on the bottom floor of this market; I paid $75 for mine at the monthly TRW Electronics Swap meet in Redondo Beach, CA.

    Discovered my youngest grandson (2 y/o) sitting in front of the 2B the other day, moving one of the slide switches and turning the tuning dial while pointing and commenting on the dial pointer moving in tandem. Asked him what he was hearing and he said in no uncertain terms, "Talking to Mommy!". He'll surely be a ham one day.

    73.......Steve Smith WB6TNL
    "Snort Rosin"

  3. Hello Bill,

    I am happy to announce that I have joined the club of happy Drake 2B owners. Your blog and podcast comments come to mind when I spotted one at an estate sale a few months ago. Serial number 3668 come home with me.

    When tested on the workbench, number 3668 proved to be fully operational and all alignment points were near nominal. After cleaning, the cosmetic condition was very good to excellent with some minor copper discoloration.

    The 2B's performance is amazing considering its vintage. It sure would have been nice to own this receiver when I was a novice nack in 1963. All I could afford then was a drifty BC342F with very wide selectivity.


    Gene W3PM GM4YRE
