Friday, October 6, 2017

VE3BOF's Regens and DC Receivers

Hi Bill:

This is Clark, VE3BOF, in Hensall, Ontario, Canada.
Hensall is located in southwestern Ontario, north of London and a 2  
hour drive west of Toronto.

Last Sunday night, 2017-10-01, I tuned in to 7277 kHz to listen to  
the BitX40 net. I heard you and 2 or 3 others.
Your signal was 5-7, perfectly readable.

The receiver I was using is a modified version of the WBR receiver.
It is still on the piece of chipboard that I mounted all the modules  
onto.  It's an excellent little regenerative receiver.

In the same state of incompleteness, is a modified version of the  
Easy Receiver (QRP Kits) direct-conversion receiver,
I use this receiver for the CW end of the 40M band.

Both receivers have been fitted with 10-turn pots for easy tuning,  
and also lcd frequency counters for displays.

I'm a former Motorola Communications tech, and used to maintain the  
radio systems of District 6 of the Ontario Provincial Police and our Ministry 
of Health emergency services radio system.

Being retired now, I have more time to check Soldersmoke every day  
and listen to your
conversations with Pete, N6QW.

Thank you for very interesting and worthwhile QRP information and  

Clark Forrest, VE3BOF


  1. Love the random collection of speaker magnets. Reminds me of my youth...


  2. What a lab, drool...Ed KC8SBV
