Thursday, March 1, 2018

N6ORS and "Satan's Digital Radio"

Hey Bill,

I just finished testing the new rig.  Better sit down for this......
Its an SDR (Satan's Digital Radio). Actually its an estension of an
earlier experiment You might remember the 'Franken SDR". The Franken sdr
worked so well I thought I would make a companion for it and built a QSE 
(quadrature sampling exciter) and an amplifier chain to go with it. The rig
used G3PLX's fantastic SDRTX software for the transmit and DB0JBJ's
wonderful HDSDR software for receiving. The original idea was to make
a small rig for Digital comms, but I decided to add a Mic for voice, also
there is a 'Hardware" audio Phaser already in the building stages 
(you can calm down now).

A few specs. The RX is fantastic , -135 noise floor and the audio is
so clean that it copies wspr signals to -33db. The transmit is 
12 watts and the phasing audio sounds so nice that my wife says 
"thats your terrible voice exactly."So if you catch me on Sunday night
 and i dont sound 'yellowee' enough and you justdont like that 
no-crystal-filter sound just say  "Hey , Dont phase me bro"

See Ya on the bands,
Keith N6ORS

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