Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Construction Technique that REALLY "Nails it" -- But what do we call it?

Thanks to Rogier PA1ZZ (long in W6) for this.  I guess I have used a variation of this technique in some antenna tuner projects, and maybe in a crystal radio effort.   This also reminded both Pete and me of the electronic project kits that we were given as kids.  Those kits had little springs that were supposed to keep the components in contact.  They might have worked better with nails.  

This technique definitely provides an opportunity for an earnest young guy to make use of his soldering GUN.  I don't think a wimpy 35 watt iron would be up to the task.  

What should we call this technique?  We have "ugly" and "Manhattan" and
"Muppet Boards."   What do we call this? 


  1. When I was in school, one of our lab projects was building an AM radio in this same manner. Once finished, the instructor would install a "bug" that we'd be required to troubleshoot. That's when I realized that I'd probably be more successful as a technician than as an engineer - I was lousy at the mathematics, but totally in the zone when it came to troubleshooting. Knack.

  2. The April 1967 issue of "73" has an article titled "Cardboarding", where the author describes breadboarding on cardboard. Seems like a variant of this method.

    I've never seen it before now, but the November 1960 issue of "73" has an article by Jim Kyle titled "Cardboard Chassis" which seems to cover the same territory, but in less detail.

    I can almost picture an article in "73" in the early seventies that used a method like you describe, but I can't remember anything specific enough for a search.

    I remember getting surplus boards decades ago which used stakes of some kind (actually, I saw various kinds, no copper traces but the board phenolic of fiberglass, and wire used to connect it all. Solder was used but it wasn't far off from wire wrap.


  3. I think I've nailed it.... "Nailboarding"?

  4. Back several decades - the original Breadboard.

  5. As day by day a new technology is coming in the construction world which is beneficial for the construction future as this industry is free from the limitations of the projects which is good news for the construction business and for its growth too.
