Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Listen to our Podcast while wearing a beret!

This is the official headgear of the Color-Burst Liberation Army. 

For a mere 16 dollars, you can wear the kind of beret worn by Pete Juliano, N6QW. 

Here at SolderSmoke, we are all about style, panache, savoirfair,  je ne se qua... 

If you send us a picture of yourself wearing a beret while either operating or building a rig,  you will win FOR FREE a one year subscription to the SolderSmoke on-line podcast.  ACT NOW!  Please tell them that SolderSmoke sent you. 


  1. Challenge Accepted. I have ordered a beret from ebay and will post pictures as soon as it arrives.

  2. I'm willing to start saving (the grey check sounds intriguing) but I have to ask: I'll be able to pick up girls in the checkout line at the grocery store, right?

  3. Works anywhere! Not just the grocery store.
    Pete N6QW

  4. I accidentally dropped mine in a farm pasture once, tried on 3 before i got the right one.... ;-)

  5. Now there are some added "fine points" to wearing a beret. First I should tell you not only is it the beret but the "tude" like you are in command and take no prisoners. It also helps to smile and appear friendly. I also have a small American Flag Pin and often get asked did I serve, which of course I did. So it is a lot more than just the $16!

    Pete N6QW

    1. So once it's on your noggin, does it matter which side it points or "flops" to? You know, like how wearing an earring on the left vs right ear can mean different things. You wouldn't want to send out the wrong signals ;)

  6. Hmmm. I wonder if my old maroon beret the army issues me would work? Now, where did I put it.

  7. Yes Preston, airborne berets are acceptable. That's my plan too. AIRBORNE!

  8. Gentlemen, I am reporting for duty with my Beret and Soldering Iron.

