Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Technical Manual 11-455 -- Radio Fundamentals -- July 17, 1941

This is an illuminating little book.  It was published by the U.S. War Department on July 17, 1941, less than five months before Pearl Harbor.   Far from being dated, this book contains a lot of  great explanations of -- as the title indicates -- the fundamentals of radio.   I turned to it this morning for a little refresher on the physics of regenerative feedback.  

You can get your own paper copy here:  

Or here: 

Or you can read a slightly more recent edition (1944!) online (free) here: 

Please let me know if you find this book useful. 

1 comment:

  1. I downloaded the free versions and skimmed through it briefly. It's a good addition to my electronic reference shelf.
