Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Quarantine Rig Q-31 -- Putting the Stages Together (Most of Them)

I've been recording short videos on my progress with the Q-31 Shortwave AM Quarantine Receiver.  

Yesterday was a bit of a milestone -- I put five of the six sub-assemblies together and did some testing.  You can see the video above. 

All the other videos are on my YouTube site: 


Please subscribe and give me a "thumbs up." 

SITS!  Stay in the shack!  Flatten the curve.  Hang in there.   73  Bill


  1. Hey Bill, excellent work! 73 de AC9JQ

  2. I wish I weren't so essential - I have plenty of shack projects as well.
    Thanks for the excellent videos!

  3. Wow Bill, great progress!! Cant wait for more videos!

    Ed KC8SBV
