Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Listen to this! The Kearsarge Mountain Transmission System -- Winter Test Transmission -- 9670 kHz

This is a bit mysterious, but I think that is part of the allure.  Last week reports began to surface on reddit about a shortwave test transmission from a group called the Kearsarge Mountain Transmission System.  Kearsarge Mountain is in New Hampshire. Thomas K4SWL over at the SWLing Post Blog posted a link to a SoundCloud recording of the transmission:     


I don't really know much about the origins of this recording, but -- like Thomas -- I really like it.  It is EXACTLY what you need to have playing in the background as you work on some piece of radio gear.  Trust me on this:  If you are a radio person, you WILL like this.   Have a listen at the link above. 

Here are some excerpts from the reddit posts on this: 

Notice of a KTMS winter test transmission beaming to Europe/USA on 9670 kHz at 2300 UTC on 17.12.2020. This transmission will consist of interval jingles, engineer test signals, rare re-media mixes of cult radio favorites, strange tones, and vox. Thank you for your continued attention as the KTMS crew continue working to bring the SWL community unique transmissions.

Our aim as the programmers of the KTMS Test Transmission is to entertain, edify and get SWLs excited about the possibilities inherent in radio. The crew of KTMS consists of amateur radio operators, community and college radio aficionados, antique radio restorationists, low budget radio astronomers looking for alien life and in general people who love the hobby of radio in all its many faceted aspects.

People who put their own funds towards creating radio on the shortwaves are helping to keep the shortwaves interesting and alive and bringing programming that is original and idiosyncratic to a medium that is often otherwise overrun by nationalists, spies, and fundamentalist preachers. They also help to keep shortwave stations on the air -something that ain’t so cheap. Rather, our view, is that by injecting some creative energy into a project such as our KTMS Winter Test Transmission we are giving back to the SWLing community by 1) creating a show for any listeners who happen to catch it, 2) giving the listeners a mystery that doesn’t revolve around numbers, 3) to do our part to keep the airwaves a little less stodgy.

We view this Test Transmission as an exercise in conviviality, surreality, and genuine love of all things radio and shortwave. 2020 has been such a serious minded year we aim to lighten that load with a bit of old fashioned fun.

For anyone who wishes to enjoy a nice winter evening around your set or online SDR we welcome you to get warm with us around the glowing tubes.

Thanks to all who tune in, and until then 73s.


  1. Reminded me if Firesign Theater!

  2. Reminded me if Firesign Theater!

  3. Googling kearsarge mountain transmission system turns up nothing.

  4. KMTS and KTMS are commercial broadcast stations

  5. In following up on the 9670 frequency, I suspect that this is part of RADIO 292 based in Germany. They have been testing some new directional antenna's with the intention of improving their NA coverage. This is a station that sells its time in 1/2 hour blocks to all-comers. That is what pays their bills. Here's a couple of links to follow up on...


    It would be fun to have the chance to visit their QTH. Seems to be an interesting business model.

    Bruce - KK0S

  6. Many thanks for writing about & enjoying our KMTS vibe.
