Thank you for sharing. And thank you Steven ) It started from a one transistor receiver... and evolved to where it is now. The collection of videos on the Sputnik is a little messy as I was always trying to improve and none have the same schematic. I'm working now on writing two articles on both the older version and another one on the newer version. Maybe I will do another and better video more for beginners and explain a lot of things I've learned along the way. 73 P.S. I finally got to build the Michigan Mighty Mite )) The first one didn't go so well... The second version I love a lot, especially the look of it and the tone.
Thank you for sharing. And thank you Steven ) It started from a one transistor receiver... and evolved to where it is now. The collection of videos on the Sputnik is a little messy as I was always trying to improve and none have the same schematic. I'm working now on writing two articles on both the older version and another one on the newer version. Maybe I will do another and better video more for beginners and explain a lot of things I've learned along the way. 73 P.S. I finally got to build the Michigan Mighty Mite )) The first one didn't go so well... The second version I love a lot, especially the look of it and the tone.