Friday, May 7, 2021

"Adventures in Electromagnetism" Video by Julius Sumner Miller

This guy is quite a character, with a real knack for describing physics.  At the start of this video he says that these kinds of adventures are "good for the spirit and the soul."  Right you are Professor Miller.  I am currently recovering from a minor back injury.  It is nothing serious, but it has delayed the production of the SolderSmoke Podcast #230.   These videos are, for me, just what the doctor should have ordered.  

I liked Miller's references to Michael Faraday. 

There are many videos on the Julius Sumner Miller YouTube Channel.  They are indeed "good for the spirit and the soul."   Thanks to Hack-A-Day for alerting us to this treasure trove. 


  1. Yikes! Back comes first. Podcast second. Stay away from the DX-100. Only QRP tasks till fully recovered.Stay well OM.

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  4. Sorry to hear about the back - I know only too well what it’s like - no moving boat anchors for a while! 73 John MM0ACN

  5. Take care of you back and avoid the boat anchors for a while. Don't over do anything trying to get out the podcast.

    The video was good. I like Miller's presentation style.

  6. He was loved by every Australian kid in the 60s and 70s.

  7. Cool! And I love the music.73 XE1GXG
