Saturday, October 9, 2021

Recent Homebrew Projects from Jan PA3GSV (of "Mate for the Mighty Midget" Fame)


Recent talk of the Mate for the Mighty Midget receiver and Pete's PIMP SSB transmitter brought me back in contact with the work of Jan, PA3GSV.  I took a look at his page and found that he has some projects that rival even his seemingly unbeatable MMM RX project. 

Check it out for some real homebrew eye candy:


  1. Jan does such nice cabinetry, socketry, and other mechanical work on his rigs. They're good reminders that radios are *things* (HDR) and not just *concepts* (SDR).

  2. Wow, Jan is a man who can make anything, look at his CW paddle, beautiful work. His rigs celebrate the physical construction as much and in the case of his QCX spy radio, more than the electrical AND RF!

    Paul VK3HN.
