Wednesday, March 23, 2022

First Ever Contact on 12 Meters: Homebrew, QRP, SSB, DX (Video)

I've recently finished most of the circuitry on the 17-12 meter dual band SSB transceiver. I have had contacts with it on 17 meters, but until yesterday morning (March 22, 2022) I had not had any contacts on 12 meters. This morning I talked to Paul EA5JZ in Valencia, Spain. I was running the 17-12 rig barefoot at about 5 watts with the final being one RD06HHT FET. The antenna was my 75 meter doublet fed with window line -- I had to modify the tuner to get it to work on 24.9 MHz. It was very cool to have my first 12 meter contact be QRP, HB and with Spain.

There is a LOT of soul in this new rig.  Here is a partial list of contributors: 

-- Overall BITX design:   Farhan VU2ESE

-- Termination Insensitive Amplifiers (TIA):  Wes Hayward W7ZOI and Bob Kopski K3NHI.  

-- TIA boards from Todd K7TFC

-- ASK-1 Mixer from Armand WA1UQO

-- VFO design parameters from Joe Carr K4IPV (SK) 

-- VFO stability ideas from Frank Harris K0IYE and Mike Murphy WU2D. 

-- HT-37 Tuning Capacitor bought from e-bay at suggestion of Pete Juliano N6QW. 

-- Pine board base of the rig:  Frank Jones (SK) W6AJF's preferred building technique. 

-- DTC Band-Pass filter circuits from Han Summers G0UPL. 

-- Low pass filter values from G-QRP web site. 

-- Idea of using RD06HHT instead of IRF-510 in the final:  Pete Juliano

-- Heat sink from Chris KD4PBJ

-- Trifilar Toroids used in many places from Farhan VU2ESE.

Thanks to all.  73  Bill  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bill that's very good and running 5 watts.
    Very well done to you.
    I hope after I have set up my new radio/lab room I can have a QSO with you.
    All the best.
    HS0ZLQ, G0MIH.
