Tuesday, March 15, 2022

VK2BLQ's Two-Tube Regen with a SolderSmoke Dial


Thanks to Peter Marks VK3TPM ("a bloke with too many hobbies") for alerting us to this magnificent homebrew receiver with the especially magnificent tuning dial.   

We have used old CDs as dials for many years.  I have one on my Q-31 Quarantine SW receiver.  But never have we seen one with SolderSmoke emblazoned on it. FB OM. 

Stephen VK2BLQ should make sure that those 6U8s haven't gone old on him.  I recently replaced the 6U8s in my Mate for the Mighty Midget with 6EA8s.  This seemed to rejuvenate the receiver.  

Also, it is shame that Stephen doesn't keep that rig at 12 volts.  250 V?  Yikes.  As I often say, you CAN hurt yourself with 12 volts, but you really have to work at it.  Not so with 250 V.   One hand behind your back Stephen! 

Thanks to Peter and Stephen. 


  1. Saw this and loved it! And it sounds so clean. Great job Stephen. Paul VK3HN.

  2. When I have moved into my new house I'm going to make a valve/tube regen receiver.
    Bill inspired me some time ago but not had an opportunity to do much.
    Building the house is taking all my time these days.
