Saturday, December 3, 2022

SolderSmoke Podcast #242 Mars, New Hams, Direct Conversion, SDR Console, Proficio, PSSST, 8 meters, A BIG MAILBAG

SolderSmoke Podcast #242 is available

Audio podcast: 

Video:  (362) SolderSmoke Podcast #242 December 3, 2022 - YouTube


Mars at opposition.  Not as good as 2020 (see charts below)


Hearing aids and high frequency loss.

AirPods as hearing aids.

Out in the Shenandoah with a Baofeng.

Success among TJ High School students.

Satellite in space?




Bill's Bench:

Direct Conversion Receiver:  IT IS ALIVE!  EVEN IN LTSPICE

PTO works very well.

Diode ring -- really needs a diplexer, Radio Marti.

AF amplifier simplicity.

But WHY can't you listen to DSB on a DC receiver? Now I know.

How does a diode detector work?  Is the envelope real?  Is it square law?

The benefits of writing... 1967 and 1966 articles on PTOs and 2Qs.


Shameless Commerce Division:

-- MOSTLY DIY RF!  NEWS FROM PORTLAND! Get your free Michigan Mighty Mite. 

-- YouTube Goal Reached.  Thanks! Keep watching.  Subscribe!

-- Keep buying from Bezos using the link on the right-hand column of the blog page.

-- Become a Patreon sponsor!  Left hand column of blog page.

-- I have ads on the blog page, but I have configured to avoid troublesome ads -- dating sites, etc.


 Pete's Bench

-- Stepper motor, LCD and Arduino for my little DC RX?

-- SDR Console

-- PSSST, BOMS, Schematics and spoon feeding...

-- Proficio SDR by Multus

-- 8 meters?



-- Alan Yates VK2ZAY now also W7ZAY PTOs, trivial motors, a broken ankle...

-- Dhaka Jack AI4SV formerly of Cyprus, Madagascar and Northern Virginia. has moved to France!

-- John WB5OAU/K5MO An old friend.  FMLA as "Glowbugs Noir"

-- Dale Parfitt W4OP on the Homebrew 2Q from 1967

-- Nick M0NTV Glue Sticks, PTOs, DC receivers and AM breakthrough testing.

-- Todd K7TFC suggests “cool” names for DC RX  PT Cruiser? PT109? PT73?

-- Levi replacing Selenium diodes in a Globe VFO.  I am not alone!

-- Juanjo EC5ACA wants to build DC RX .  FB.

-- Dave designed a discrete LM386.  Picked up by Jenny at HackaDay.  Can you build this?

-- George Zaff.  HamRadio Workbench Spiritual Brother of SolderSmoke.

-- Alain F4IET -- Still building DC receiver.  FB.  Sorry I got the call wrong.

-- Drew N7DA Building Pixies with 3D forms.

-- Toni G6XMO in Sheffield getting a 3D printer business going:

-- Chuck KE5HPW restoring an old SW-54.  Pete is skeptical.

-- Lex and Jesse like Colin's placement of WYKSYCDS sticker on his Homebrew rig.

-- Jim KI4THZ joined the Vienna Wireless Society -- FB  on the faculty at GMU

-- Tony G4WIF suggested mechanical counter for DC RX PTO freq readout.  I have some in the junk box.

-- Our old friend Jonathan-san in W0XO now a Patreon sponsor.  Origato!

-- Thomas K4SWL sent him video of Tiny SA watching Vatican Radio sign off for the day.

-- Farhan and Chuck Penson liked blog post about Heathkit Digital Rig SS-8000 1978!

-- Ed KC8SBV working on DC receivers -- I recently used the Peppermint Bark box he sent.

-- Old friend Bob KD4EBM on the linearization of the R-390s.  Hard to homebrew one of those!

-- George from VWS trying to figure out how (if?) Marconi got his coherer to work DX...

-- Steve EI5DD sends Connaught Radio news:


Won’t have another Podcast until the new year so Happy Holidays to all!  Merry Christmas, Happy New Year! 



  1. Bill, I sent no Peppermint Holiday tin, really, I didn't.. Otherwise a good episode!! Ed KC8SBV

  2. Oh man, sorry for the confusion. It was Bruce KC1FSZ who sent the tin. Thanks Bruce. Sorry for the confusion Ed!

  3. Considering developments of PTOs, it occurred to me: to date, all have driven their adjusting medium relative to a fixed coil. I've been wondering if the coil can be drived by screw thread fixed to its dial drive, being or carrying its 'medium', but with the 'nut' carrying the coil sliding along a linear track? The coil's moving wiring should be fairly insignificant as a variable factor. There may not even be need for hand-capacitance isolation, vastly simplifying construction.
    I have no access to tools, materials or even 'shack space': this is a purely mental exercise.

    73 and Best've the Festive all!

  4. For the receiver project your building with the radio club, are there links to the diagrams you mentioned? I've looked, but haven't found them yet. Would it be possible to build the vfo with an Analog Devices DDS and an Arduino? Thanks!

    1. It was all posted 2 days earlier:
      Sure, you can build it any way you want, but I think there is a benefit in making your own RF and not going with a digital/microcontroller source. But YMMV. Have fun. 73 Bill

  5. Ahhhhh!!!! So much even more cool with the schematic! Thanks! Am I correct in thinking the RF amp you mentioned is the 6 to 31 turn coils at the RF input? It's a lot of fun getting oscillating ferrite cores back into my head after the concept of oscillating fields in superconductors, (more like the complete resistance to suc things by YBCO), drove them out over the last few years. Thanks again!
