Sunday, March 5, 2023

Farhan's High-School Direct Conversion Receiver Workshops in India

Farhan sent this picture yesterday.   If you look closely you can see the students holding their homebrew 40 meter Direct Conversion receivers.  You can even see that they are using the same kind of PTO coil forms that we are using here.  Farhan reports that 11 receivers were built by 33 students.  A few more are being finished and will soon be active in Hyderabad. 

I was really blown away by this picture.   We are doing the same things on different sides of the world.  Our students will like this.  It will be as if they are seeing people of the same age building the same receivers 7,500 miles away.  

In our last session I mentioned to our students that Farhan of Hyderabad had given us the toroidal transformers that they are putting into their mixers.  I told them that in ham radio, when we use parts given to us by a friend we add "soul to the new machine."   And I said that Farhan would be coming to see them in May.  They were really impressed. 

We are starting to see similar efforts in different parts of the world -- Andreas with university students in Germany,   Daniel with high school kids in Canada.   We hope there will be others. 


  1. This is fantastic! Congratulations to you and Dean for kicking off a global movement. This is a real service to amateur radio--and to the students.

    1. Thanks Todd. But the idea of helping students to build their own receivers was Farhan's. We are following his lead on this. It is a great idea. More pictures posted today. 73 Bill

    2. Sorry Bill and Farhan! I missed that somehow early in the SS coverage of the project. I knew the STL for the inductor came from Hyderabad, but I didn't put two and two together. Maybe like the Treaty of Tordesillas (1493), you and Dean can divide the world with Farhan. You take everything west of 100 leagues from Cape Verde and he everything east.

  2. Look at all the girls !

  3. Congratulations hope many hams take up in different part of the world and increase this King of hobby
