Monday, April 24, 2023

Four Old BBC Shows on Radio: Hams, Physics, and Antique Wireless

The first one, about ham operators in general, is pretty depressing. Then it goes downhill as they shift to those who are listening to baby monitors and cell phones.  Yuck. 

The second one seems to show some physicist having understandable difficulty explaining particle-wave duality in a short TV segment.  

There is a short bit (that I didn't quite get) about the BBC's "Teddy Bear's Picnic."  

The final one is about Gerald Wells and his Antique Wireless Museum in South London.  Note the white coat -- clearly a boffin.  For a while I confused him with Rupert Goodwins G6HVY (similar white coat, but a different bloke).  


  1. Oh dear, not the best examples of the BBC's work with sloppy journalists who thought that anyone with a scanner was a radio ham.

    I did though get a pang of nostalgia seeing Gerald Wells again - and that small section at the end of the video didn't really do justice to the scale of his museum.
    Back in the day, the Cray Valley Radio Club organised a visit and we must have spent all evening there. It was absolutely huge and endlessly fascinating.
    Tony G4WIF

  2. I haven't watched the video but this might explain the Teddy Bear's Picnic
