Friday, April 7, 2023

More Info on the Cuban Jaguey Solid State DSB Transceiver

ZL2BMI Transceiver Layout (not full size here!) 

Continuing our search for information the Cuban "Jaguey" DSB rig, Trevor Woods pointed me to Dick Pascoe's QRP column in the (below) July 1998 issue of Ham Radio Today.  I think the first SPRAT article about Eric Sears' ZL2BMI DSB rig was in SPRAT 83 in the summer of 1995.  This fits well with the sequence described below by Arnie Coro CO2KK. 

I am still looking for a schematic and pictures of the Jaguey rig: If you can help in this, please let me know.  


  1. Came across this email from Arnie, giving a tube line-up for 'the Islander':

    Dear amigo Chris:
    You are absolutely right !
    EF184 is the best pentode for RF amplifier duty...
    But, let me ask you something... have you thought
    about the ECC88 and the even better ECC189 dual
    triodes that were designed for TV tuner work, and
    that incidentally were also about the last vacuum tubes
    ever designed from ""scratch"" until Phillips and other
    European manufacturers stopped from making
    receiving type vacuum tubes.
    The ECC189 is simply wonderful for a front end !!!
    I am sure that you are aware of our limitations here at
    my QTH regarding the possibility of obtaining solid
    state modern devices... so we still make ""new"" ham radio rigs using mostly
    vacuum tubes...
    We even still make a version of "" The Islander"" a DSB transceiver with
    direct conversion vacuum tube receiver...
    Tube lineup is
    EF184 RF amp
    ECH81 product detector
    ECH81 triode section not used
    ECL82 triode audio preamp
    ECL82 pentode audio output
    6AH6 VFO ( Russian equivalent 6*5P )
    Audio filter provided by good working brain of
    operator !!!
    Keep up the good work amigo !!!
    73 and DX
    YOur friend in Havana
    Arnie Coro

  2. More information: I was able to find an online pdf of the American QRP Club Homebrewer magazine (Issue 7, Spring 2006). This had a link to Arnie's website at

    Putting this into the Archive got us the website including this page on the Islander. Also mentions the Jaguey but couldn't find further info.

  3. Thanks Peter. Now, on to the Jaguey. I think it is named for its city of origin, Jaguey, Matanzas, Cuba. CO2JA and CO5GV were involved in its construction. We need more info. 73 Bill

  4. I think we've struck gold (or at least silver) thanks to this post from Jose Angel Amador in response to a question.

    A translation: That's not an original Jaguey, that was a simple, single band, unswitched, 5 watt, DSB, kit for beginners with no gear and needing something to put on the license.
    Carbon microphone direct to balanced modulator, two stages with 20 dB gain, W1FB/W1CER style feedback, and final with 2 x 2N2102 class B.
    The receiver was more like the plane, with a TAA263, easy to get from the FRC in 1978, and headphones. No need for RF pass through, mixer was overloaded at night with European broadcasts above 7150.
    The VFO is also inspired by Solid State Design for the Amateur Radio, a Colpitts with 2SC372 and a low gain feedback buffer with two 2SC372s.
    Binocular ferrites were taken from Soviet TV baluns. The conditions of Cuba 1978.
    Today I would make a BLU with polyphase networks, mixer with 4066 and VFO Si5351.
    The big complication of BitX is the glass filter, they either get it made, or stick to a recipe, but few have to measure and tinker with glass filters.

  5. To summarise, it's 7 transistors + 1 IC so has more parts than ZL2BMI's rig.

    VFO/Buffer: 2SC372 x 3
    Bal mod: 2 diodes (?)
    Mic: Carbon. No audio amp.
    Tx amp & driver: 2 transistors
    PA: 2N2102 x 2
    Rx audio: TAA263

  6. Arnie was a member of the G-QRP Club's email list. His tribute to George Dobbs mentions the "Jaguey 82" (its full name).

    Dear amigos worldwide who share the love for amateur radio and QRP operation in particular. There is very significant contribution by George G3RJV to making possible for many persons to enjoy our hobby. It consists of promoting home construction of radios and accesories mostly built with parts that could be obtained locally from sources such as recycling electronic equipment. The publication on SPRAT of many articles about how to build receivers, transmitters , transceivers and accessories led to opening up amateur radio for persons with very limited income, making it impossible for them to buy the least expensive commercial equipment. In the case of Cuba, we are proud of our QRP operators and those amateur radio enthusiasts that have helped others to go on the air with homebrew or adapted professional marine radios donated by the fishing fleets. The hybrid solid state first generation devices plus classic vacuum tubes design know as ¨ The Islander ¨, made possible a complete double side band transceiver basic rig, that could then be further modified and upgradable. The other project knows as ¨ Jaguey 82 ¨ is and all solid state DSB transceiver using discrete components....Runs from 1 to 10 Watts depending on the NPN bipolar transistors used, typically sourced from recycled monitors and TV sets .... Our dear amigo George made possible the publication of my ¨ Universal Single Vacuum Tube Transmitter and Tube Tester ¨ that was read by many SPRAT readers.... Gracias, muchas gracias amigo George G3RJV From Arnie Coro radio amateur CO2KK

    Another message (Dxers Unlimited’s mid week edition for 23-24 October 2007) confirms that this was designed in 1982, hence the name.
