Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Boom! Small Electrolytics Blow-up in a Big Way. MAGIC SMOKE RELEASED!

It doesn't take much.  Like if you put 12 volts across a little electrolytic rated at 10 volts, WATCH OUT! The tranquility of your workshop could soon be very suddenly disturbed.  Even with the proper polarity, they will BLOW-UP.  The MAGIC SMOKE will be EXPLOSIVELY RELEASED. BOOM! 

And speaking of capacitors, Rogier PA1ZZ sends this: 
But don't blow these ones up.  Some of them are 75 dollars a pop!  

1 comment:

  1. Back in my High School Vocational Electronics class one day a week students could bring in equipment from home to work on or build kits etc. Thats when I went to work at noon when most were at lunch and
    wired in a high value low voltage electrolytic cap accross the power switch or in B+ lines - these were the days of vacuum tubes.
    The caps would blow like an M-80 and fill the room with smoke. Needless to say toilet paper use increased after such episodes. I could only get away with such tricks when substitute teachers were filling in.
