Sunday, July 23, 2023

First Contacts with 15-10 Rig -- Two Atlantic Crossings


I was just testing it, working (as usual at this stage) on final amplifier stability.   Then I heard ON5WO calling CQ.   I could not resist.  I worked him, but had to use a test lead to manually key the .1 kW amplifier.  Minutes later I worked OH6RM.  He very diplomatically said that I had "highly unusual audio."  This was probably due to earlier efforts to shift the carrier oscillator to improve carrier suppression. (I will fix this.)  

I will continue to work on the rig; It should look a bit better when I am done.  But hey, it works!  It has already crossed the Atlantic. Twice!  


  1. Dear Bill: WOW - let me be the first to offer congratulations! Evidently you have been very, very busy lately, and it looks fabulous. I can almost see smoke coming out of that chimney. Happy Hamming...

  2. Yes! Wow Bill you have been real busy lately! When it is working to your satisfaction, that would be so great to document and publish on your site . Much for us to learn from this experience!

  3. Great achievement Bill. I think doing that on a home brew rig, at that stage of the build, would give tremendous encouragement.
