Tuesday, September 26, 2023

F6CRP's FB Homebrew Receiver

I like F6CRP's homebrew receiver.  I like the way he presents it (block by block) and I like the inclusion of the W7ZOI IF board. The JF3HZB VFO is quite cool (even though it is digital),   We have posted about this VFO several times: 

Denis has a very nice station and workbench: https://www.qrz.com/db/F6CRP

He also has some very nice videos on his YouTube channel: 

Thanks Denis! 


  1. A very nice video. He explained it so well.

  2. Super job with a nice layout and modular construction. Excellent front-end filtering for each band. Keeping the Digital VFO separate in some way from the signal path is excellent planning - helps the receiver avoid spurious from the digital VFO.
    Very FB !
