Sunday, December 24, 2023

A Nice Searchable Compilation of "Hot Iron" Issues

Tom K4ZAD writes: 


This might make good copy for the SolderSmoke Daily News:

Also it should be noted that starting with issue #122 W4NPN, Frank
Barnes is editing Hot Iron with help from the former editor G6NGR, Peter
Thornton. See:

I view the Daily News frequently, and also use the topics index on the
left when seeking more info on a subject. It often helps.

Tom    K4ZAD


  1. There is a wealth of technical information at this W4NPN link beside the Hot Iron index. Reading 73 magazine issues WNPN has from the 60’s and comparing them to todays QST shows how the industry serving Ham Radio has decayed to nearly nothing, as has serious home brewing. I got into this great avocation at 15 in 1967 and still kicking at 70. My iron is still hot, and still used daily.

  2. The W4NPN site - an excellent resource for our hobby.
