Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Long-time SolderSmoke supporter Ramakrishnan VU2JXN Interviewed on QSO Today


I think we got our first e-mail from Ramakrishnan way back in 2006.  At the time he was VU3RDD. On June 22, 2008 in SolderSmoke #86 we reported on the birth of Ramakrishnan's new harmonic.  In this interview with Eric 4Z1UG we hear of Ramakrishnan's daughter (the same harmonic) getting her ham license and working with her dad on electronic projects.  Ramakrishnan has been with us for a long time!  

It was very cool to hear Ramakrishnan talk about the Lamakaan convention, the BITX 40, and the book The Electronics of Radio.  There was a nice mention of SolderSmoke and Pete. 

Listen to the interview here:  https://www.qsotoday.com/podcasts/vu2jxn

Thanks Ramakrishnan!  Thanks Eric! 

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