Saturday, February 17, 2024

Nate KA1MUQ's Amazing Thermatron Receiver

Wow, some really wonderful work is taking place in Nate KA1MUQ's basement in California. 

-- I really like the pill bottle coil forms.  I wonder if Nate faced suspicion (and possible arrest) in the pharmacy when he asked for the pill bottles.  (I got some suspicious looks when I went I asked for empty pill bottles while building my thermatron Mate for the Mighty Midget receiver back in 1998.) 

-- The variable capacitors are also quite cool, as is the big rotary switch.   Is that for band switching? 

-- Oh  man, all on a plywood board.  Frank Jones would approve!  

-- Indeed Nate, that beautiful receiver NEEDS an analog VFO.  And we need to hear it inhaling phone sigs, not that FT8 stuff. 

-- Please keep us posted on your progress.  And of course, one hand behind your back OM.  Lots of high voltage on those thermatrons.  

Thanks Nate!  

1 comment:

  1. Love it, love it! There is nothing quite like the satisfaction you get when that receiver starts inhaling RF and sound comes out of the speaker. The aliens are good for receiver testing that is for sure. I've never built anything with tubes but after restoring a few all-american fives, a Hammarlund HQ-170A and a Hallicrafters Worldwide I find myself thinking..."how hard can it be?" That is what gets me into trouble!

    Fine business and 73 OM
    Dean, KK4DAS
