Wednesday, February 14, 2024

We Get Mail! Red Poster? Really a Tapestry from Ecuador

Listener Tobias was laid up yesterday, following the extraction of wisdom teeth. (This seems like an appropriate follow-up to our talk in SolderSmoke Podcast #250 of sBITX "wisdom files" to correct FFT "hallucinations.") Tobias does not appear to have been hallucinating, but he was having trouble seeing what he thought to be a "red poster" in my shack.  

In fact, what he was seeing was a red tapestry from Ecuador that was sent to me by Galo Constante HC1GC way back in 1993.  I was in the Dominican Republic, running my first ever real homebrew transmitter.  Here is an article about this project:  I think Galo was also QRP homebrew.  My log shows that I worked  him eight times from the DR. 

Mitad del Mundo =  Middle of the World (a reference to the equator). 

Here is the QSL I got from Galo: 

Here's a 2022 blog post about a resurrection of this old rig: 

Thanks Tobias for spotting the HC1GC tapestry and reminding me of some great QRP contacts. I hope you feel better OM.  73  Bill 

1 comment:

  1. Bill, thank you for the explanation. The tapestry is truly fantastic, as is the story around it, and the QSL card pinned to it helps its magnitude. It reminds me of iconic movie posters like the original Fellini 8 1/2 or Blow-Up.
