Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Tropics Defined: Sun Directly Overhead on July 31 in Punta Cana DR

July 31, 2024  12:30 Local Time

Check out the shadow at my feet.  The sun is directly overhead.  This happens here on July 31, shortly after noon.  We define "the tropics" as the area of the earth at which -- as some point in the year -- the sun will be directly overhead.   Here we are at about 18 degrees North latitude, so for us, the overhead date is July 31.  We are definitely in the tropics.  A good graphical description of what is happening appears here: 


  1. Cool! Doesn't that happen twice a year?

    1. I think it happens twice a year at the equator. But as you go North or South in the tropical zones you quickly get to a place where it happens just once a year. 73 Bill
