Thursday, January 9, 2025

A Saw the Southern Cross (Crux) This Morning (first time in 30 years!)

You can see it (above) in the picture I took this morning, with my Iphone. 

I think I last saw this important constellation more than 30 years ago.  From my observation log: 

DECEMBER 9 1994. MORNING. Went to Parque Mirador Sur near Hotel El Embajador at 5 a.m. Confirmed that I have been looking at the Southern Cross. Below Corvus, Head of the Cross is on a line from Alpha and Beta Centauri. Base of Cross is "three thumbs" from horizon. I calibrate my thumb with Mars and Regulus at 2 degrees. That puts base of cross at 6 degrees off horizon. My Horizon is (90 -18.5 = 71.5 South. So 71.5 - 65.5 BINGO! Agrees with star map declination for Southern Cross. Also Right arm of cross is faint as indicated on star map. Alpha and Beta Centauri off tothe left. Alpha looks red. Beta seems to have two other stars around it. Eureka: Following the line from Alpha and Beta Centauri to the head of the cross, I found a very distinct circular cluster. I think this is the Jewell Box - NGC 4755 (open cluster). Still trying to figure out the constellation (Argo?) that lies to the right of the cross. Looks to me like the false cross. It is bigger than the Southern Cross. Mine seems to have a cluster off the right arm and the left arm has a dimmer star near it. A good morning! (LATER FOUND THAT MY CLUSTER WAS GLOBULAR CLUSTER RNGC 5139. I HAD MISIDENTIFIED ALPHA AND BETA CENTAURI.) 

Here is what Heavens Above predicted for this morning from Punta Cana: 




  1. Bill -

    Very cool !

    Have you ever seen the Magellanic clouds ? (Hispaniola must be too far north ?)

    Best Regards,
    Chuck, WB9KZY

  2. Chuck: Seeing is is not great here. We are close to the ocean. I have not even seen the Milky Way! So no Magellanic Clouds here yet. 73 Bill

  3. Bill -

    I saw the Andromeda galaxy for the first time this fall - basically just a smudge in the binoculars but still fun.

    For some reason I had thought that Andromeda was like the Southern Cross or the Magellanic Clouds but nope, it's fairly easy to see from the Northern Hemisphere.

    Best Regards,
    Chuck, WB9KZY
