Saturday, February 1, 2025

SolderSmoke Challenge – Direct Conversion Receiver – the Band Pass Filter

 The SolderSmoke DCR challenge is going well.  Our Discord server is bustling with activity and we are impressed that several intrepid homebrewers have already completed the receiver.  So,  we know that you can too!  In this episode Dean, KK4DAS walks us through the design and construction of third of our four boards, the 40-meter band pass filter.  The band pass filter ensures that the only signals that get through the receiver to the speaker are those that are in the 40-meter band.  Dean also  gives an update on the Challenge  and discusses some recent improvements we've made to the circuits based on feedback from our builders. 



Join the discussion - SolderSmoke Discord Server:


Documentation on Hackaday:


SolderSmoke YouTube channel:


SolderSmoke blog DCR posts:

1 comment:

  1. I took the hook and am searching through my junkbox for parts. Looking forward to the challenge. Wes W4JYK
