Sunday, February 23, 2020

TRGHS: Hearing K5HCT Through a Single 12AU7 Tube with 12 Volts on the Plate (Video)

The lower portion of the column on the right-hand side of this blog is where I put links to interesting blogs, YouTube channels, and web sites.  Yesterday one of the links there led me to the above video. It presents a regen receiver using one 12AU7 tube and a 12 volt power supply.   Wow! I have many of those tubes.  And at 12 volts I am unlikely to electrocute myself.  Count me in.  

In the final minute or so of the video, the builder tunes around the 40 meter phone band.  Suddenly I heard a familiar voice.  It wasn't recorded long enough for the callsign to be heard, but I was pretty sure it was our old friend August, K5HCT (Here Comes Texas) from Odessa

Odessa, Texas is a good skip distance from both California and Virginia, so Pete and I have both talked to August many times. When I was testing out new homebrew contraptions, August was often there to help me out.  

I was pretty sure it was August in the video.  I checked with Pete -- he too recognized the voice.  Then I got an e-mail response from August -- yea, it was him.  

On the air, I often recognize a voice before I hear a callsign.  In this case it happened via a somewhat wobbly regen and the internet.  


Now where did I leave those 12AU7s? 

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