Sunday, August 28, 2022

Building a Solid-State "Magic Eye" and Fitting it in the Old Tube's Glass Envelope

I was feeling kind of bad about my solid-state conversion thoughts.  I had gone so far as thinking about putting an FET and some resistors in an old tube's glass envelope.  There was something about this that felt well, kind of immoral. 

But then this morning Facebook sent me the video above.  This fellow built the solid state equivalent of an old Magic Eye thermatron!  And he put it inside the glass envelope of the old tube.  FANTASTIC!  

I feel better already. There are others with similar thoughts, and some who have put these thoughts into action!  Maybe now the Thermatron Protection Society will call off the protests outside my house, and I can stop wearing the Kevlar vest. I know, haters gonna hate, but after seeing this video I realize that I am FAR from being the most egregious of thermatron defilers. 

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