Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Old Smoke: SolderSmoke's Early Theme Music from W8MOJ, Boatanchors in South Africa, and Homebrewing in Dubai

Over on the SoulderSmoke YouTube channel I have been putting up some podcasts from days-gone-by.  Recently they have been from our last days in London and our earliest days in Rome.  We have had a nice series that includes "Echo-calls" from Andy ZS6ADY  in South Africa, talking about old tube radios (Boatanchors) in that country.   Soon we will start a series that includes Echo-calls with Ron Sparks AG5RS, who was homebrewing in Dubai. 

But these early podcasts begin and end with some very distinctive techno-music from Mark O Johnson, W8MOJ.   Here is our old blog post that describes Mark's musical contribution to SolderSmoke.  Thanks Mark!  https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2011/01/tech-details-on-soldersmokes-theme.html

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