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Thursday, October 17, 2024

How to Organize a Small Shack

A YouTube comment from Paul VK3HN sent me back to "The Spirited Man" YouTube channel, and one of the first things I found was this video about how to organize a small space.  This is very relevant to my shacks in Virginia and in the Dominican Republic. 

Lots of good ideas here, but that propane heater kind of scared me.  And it seemed inconsistent with concerns behind the fire-preventing garbage can.  What do you folks think? 

Thanks Paul. 



  1. I am more concerned about ventilation for the gas heater than fire. I would install a mini pellet stove with a direct vent to the outside.

  2. If he hadn't mentioned cracking the window open when he uses the heater there would definitely be cause for concern.
    de - G4WIF

  3. Yea, but he will forget to crack the window...


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