Podcasting since 2005! Listen to Latest SolderSmoke
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Mr. Carlson Restores a BC-348 -- But 40 Meters Sounds Very Weak. Why?
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
A Tale of Woe from Mike WU2D, PLUS: The Importance of Band Noise
Friday, January 10, 2025
What Homebrew Looks Like (And W9BRD comment on the High School receiver project)
Dave Newkirk is the son of Rod Newkirk, the guy who wrote the inspirational "How's DX?" column for QST for so many years. Dave is obviously a very prolific and proficient homebrewer himself. I really appreciate his comment on the High School receiver project. Thanks Dave.
Dave wrote on QRZ.com:
Rummaging around the net for such phrases as "TJ receiver" or variations that include AA1TJ and receiver returns no solid hits, but by following clues I found a/the article with schematic at https://hackaday.io/project/190327-high-schoolers-build-a-radio-receiver. That's a well-thought-out design that'll provide fun, fun, fun.
I think I have something like 8 homemade receivers available at the moment at W9BRD, tube-based and solid-state, regenerative and superhet. all told covering 160 through 17 meters (if I include my tube-based and solid-state converters), and about the same number of homemade transmitters. With some exceptions for particular on-air celebrations and events, commonly my entire station lineup is homemade from stem to stern, so to speak.
I've been building radio gear since 1968. Here's some recent fun:
Zed thread covering the development of a converter-plus-regenerative-tuner combo that I came to call the "Super 3-in-9":
Zed thread covering construction of my version of a coffee-can-based receiver/converter combo my father used for 15ish years as his main station receiver after beginning its construction in 1951ish "on a kitchen table in Hartford" while working at ARRL HQ:
To which discussion our own @N2EY kindly posted the mid-1960s "How's DX?" lead in which Dad laid out his station design/configuration/construction philosophy ( https://forums.qrz.com/index.php?th...0-meter-coffee-can-regen.938709/#post-7021505 ).
To us, commercial/mil/pro gear has been and always will be various shades of inspiring to fabulous, but only with homemade gear are we home.
A little Night Radio Romance at W9BRD, featuring the BRD-160CC 160-m regenerative receiver and converter (transmitter and antenna tuner not shown).
Friday, December 13, 2024
SolderSmoke Podcast #255 -- Accept the HB Challenge!, DeMaw SSB, Brilliant TR-3, Tube Talk, Ground Truth, Tales of Woe, SDR RX, Pico Balloons, MAILBAG
-- Bill was on Ham Radio Workbench: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/11/bill-n2cqr-appears-as-guest-on-ham.html Our challenge to HRWB. Gauntlet thrown down... OUR CHALLENGE HAS BEEN GRACIOUSLY ACCEPTED! We now extend the challenge to the entire SolderSmoke community: Build one of these: https://hackaday.io/project/190327-high-schoolers-build-a-radio-receiver
Homebrewing is not for the faint of heart! Accept the challenge! Build stuff!
Our question: Did Doug DeMaw ever build an SSB transceiver? Starting in September 1985 he wrote a five part series on an SSB TRANSMITTER for QST. But he prefaces it by asking, "Why would anyone build an SSB transmitter today?" He says it would be fun "for the experience and understanding it would provide." But not for use, you see... And it is not a transceiver.
Bill's theory about DeMaw, SSB,CW and sideband inversion: He was a CW guy so sideband inversion did not really matter. He could get it wrong and still make it work.
Pete's Bench:
Brilliance and the TR3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C-eYB8yFzg&t=13s
A tale of woe. Done in by a light bulb.
Thanksgiving dinner and SSB transceivers. https://n6qw.blogspot.com/2024/11/11292024-how-to-homebrew-thanksgiving.html https://www.pastapete.com/
Hybrid plans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKUjHZMf3Fs&t=5s
Dean's Bench:
Travelogue – Falcon 9 Launch
Building a homebrew T Match tuner for the end-fed long wave – sourcing the parts, winding the coil – taps, testing
VWS Makers Projects
SDR Receiver Project – starting in January
VWS Pico Balloon – Traquito - Traquito - WSPR Pico Balloon
Revisiting the 10M DSB rig
Soldersmoke listener challenge – build a DCR with KK4DAS – overview then one board a week
SHAMELESS COMMERCE DIVISION: Mostly DIY RF. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel. And use the Amazon link on our blog. Become a Patron via Patreon (on the blog). SolderSmoke is now on Blue Sky and Threads -- follow us or at least like us there. Please turn on automatic downloads on your podcast app -- most podcast apps will only store a few episodes. This will help bump the numbers, which will improve visibility. Please give the show five stars and, if possible, a nice review on your podcast service, That will help with the discovery rate for people looking for new podcasts.
Bill's Bench:
Is "The Ground" a Myth? ARRL VP says Ground is a Myth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdX-978tvkY. Bill disagrees. Helicopter story. Refrigerator story. Original single wire telegraph system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-wire_earth_return
Front Panel and Freq Counter for the Mythbuster II.
Another Tale of woe: A mysterious audio problem on the 15-10 II rig. Done in by.... Duh! Comparing sideband suppression with Mythbuster I. Differences in Hfe? Notes on Mythbuster II build.
TinySA Ap -- A cure for Fat Finger Syndrome? : http://athome.kaashoek.com/tinySA/Windows/ How to get and load the Ap (you might want to start watching at 1:11) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu4X5dyUlpo&t=2s General info video on the TinySA Ultra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C24RnYNOWQ&t=1143s
For the DR shack -- I got a Swan SWR-1A on E-Bay.
-- Scott KQ4AOP trying to track down the DeMaw SSB transceiver mystery. On the DC Receiver: This was my first receiver build and, it was great fun. When you finish the build and prove you are able to tune through the band, you are welcomed into the secret society! The build is the initiation.I am happy to print and ship the PTO if needed.
-- Bill WA5DSS has built a High School Direct Conversion Receiver!
-- Grayson KJ7UM liked the 1971 video on old THERMATRON AM radios: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/11/basic-radio-circuitry-1971-film.html
-- Chris KD4PBJ sent nice electronic care package.
-- Walter KA4KXX is honored that Dean named his dog for him (Walter was just kidding)
-- Thanks to Bob W8SX for FDIM 2024 interviews.
-- Tony G4WIF insomnia driving him to podcasts. Amazed by quantity of food eaten on Thanksgiving.
-- Nice comment from Trigger about the podcast.
-- Clint says "valves" when he means THERMATRONS. Kindly asks about "Oooo Thats Awesome"
-- Eric 4Z1UG faced with a new challenge. Get well soon OM.
-- Sam WN5C and his Chat GPT AI Elmer.
-- Paul VK3HN on using AI for electronic design. I dunno... Apocalypse Now in the DR?
-- Tommy SA2CLC FB old military gear on QRZ site. Helps with HP8640B repair.
-- Mike WN2A nice comments on Chappy Happy's FB Tezukuri DC RX https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/11/tezukuri-and-chappy-happy-amazing.html
-- Allison KB1GMX. Good info on ground truth.
-- Phil W1PJE Had to throw out 15 test leads. Fake wire!
--Todd K7TFC Thoughtful comments on AI and ChatGPT, Help with TinySA Ap
-- Steve KW4H Boatanchor guy. Likes that we often scratch our heads trying to understand.
-- Nick M0NTV built a 40 meter DC receiver: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/12/a-40-meter-direct-conversion-receiver.html
-- Dave AA0KU asks about CCI amp (AN762) Also woking on Drakes.
-- Jack (Dhaka Jack!) F4WEF/AI4SV Good thoughts on how to bolster SolderSmoke's ratings.
--Tobias thinks the decline IS ALL HIS FAULT!
-- Tony VE7JUL building a TJ DC RX. Go Canada! Dean says: 3D print PTO former at 110%
-- Jim KI4THC getting his uBITX on the air.
10S November 23, 2024 1517Z SV1AER Kostas in Athens. Said a very sincere “Oh my goodness! Congratulations! That is not a very common thing!” when I told him rig was homebrewed. Nice fellow. Great response.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Mike WU2D's Video on the SimpleX Super Receiver -- Part II
Another FB video from Mike WU2D.
But you know, I too find myself kind of opposed to front panel on-off switches. I power my rigs with small DC supplies. I just turn on the supply when I want to use one of the rigs. I don't have or need a switch on the front panel of the rig.
I especially liked Mike's use of the gate dip meter and, of course, the Q meter. FB OM.
Monday, December 9, 2024
Listening to 40 meters on the DC Receiver -- And I Heard a Distinguished Homebrewer!
Monday, November 25, 2024
Pete N6QW Has Hybrid Rig On-The-Air
Thanks Pete!
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Basic Radio Circuitry -- a 1971 film
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
SolderSmoke #254 (Audio and Video Versions): Australian Hex Beam Eaters, Fake Wires, Hybrid Rig, Antennas, Mythbuster II Transceiver, Mailbag
November 13, 2024
SolderSmoke Podcast #254 is available:
Audio Version here: http://soldersmoke.com/soldersmoke254.mp3
Video Version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiZwWY1CQgI
Opening: Disturbing news from Australia! VK5RS reports that his Hex beam was EATEN by Cockatoos! So stop whining about your HOA problems, OK? It could be much worse!
FAKE WIRES FROM CHINA! Oh no! Even the wires? There is a good video from Mattias. I have it on the SolderSmoke blog. https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/11/clip-leads-made-with-fake-wire-buy-good.html Important to note that Parts Candy doen't have this problem. Buy your test clip leads from our sponsor, Parts Candy. Link in the column on the right or go to partscandy (that's one word).com
Bill's appearance on the Ham Radio Workbench. (Bill made some overly harsh comments about radio rejuvenation, and was trying to make amends.) But now we throw down the gauntlet. WE CHALLENGE the HRWB guys to build -- to homebrew - our TJ DC RX. They will experience JOO, JVO and the elite status that comes with having built their own ham radio receiver. And if they go on to build a 10 minute transmitter, they can use it for CW contacts. Like on POTA (Thomas!)
Anniversary approaching: In August 2025 we will mark 20 years of the SolderSmoke podcast. And we have already passed TEN YEARS OF JULIANISMO! Pete joined the podcast on May 26, 2013. Thanks Pete!
Question for the group: Which SSB transceivers did Doug DeMaw build?
Pete's Bench: Thermatron-Transistor Hybrid Goodness. https://n6qw.blogspot.com/2024/10/blog-post_20.html
Dean's Bench: The new Hex Beam (watch out for Cockatoos!) Now that Dean and I both have Hex Beams, we plan on pointing them at Southern California in an effort to talk to an elusive RADIO GENIUS. Stay tuned!
SHAMELESS COMMERCE: Please link to our blog and podcast! Please become a Patreon supporter (I have been posting special content there). Be sure to make use of the great boards, parts and kits available at Mostly DIY RF. Still use the Amazon link on the SolderSmoke blog page.
Bill's Bench: The new Mythbuster II (20 meters only). Built in about 3 weeks. On-the-air, while still on the bench! Worked Euope and South Africa QRP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o9QerQ7jzg
Getting another CCI amp for the Dominican Republic.
-- Paul VK3HN, talks about the nice sound of the Mythbuster II's receiver, and a new QRP rig from Dave Benson K1SWL.
-- Rick N3FJZ sent some very kind words in support of the SolderSmoke podcast. Thanks Rick.
-- Chris KD4PBJ sent us a very nice message. Thanks Chris.
-- Kevin from Belgium sent a nice blog post in support of SolderSmoke.
-- John WB4BTL spotted his old call (from 1974) in my Novice Log.
-- Dave KD2E spotted his Novice call in my Novice log: WN2TBB. He also saw a good friend WN2EHE.
-- Mehmet who has the awesome and useful WEBSDR of NA5B helped me with a Facebook problem. Thanks Mehmet!
-- Mike WN2A asked about the Yaesu FT-101 9 MHz VFOs.
-- Phil W1PJE (from MIT!) writes about old broadcast radio shows. And some really nice words of encouragement.
-- Grayson KJ7UM sent kind words of encouragement, and great background on hybrid rigs.
-- Peter VK3TPM writes about the decline of blogging, but notes that blogs are useful repositories.
-- Todd K7TFC sent me some additional Mostly DIY RF boards. Thanks Todd!
-- Ed DD5LP/G8GLM Kind words on SolderSmoke, nice info on the G-QRP 50th edition.
-- Bill AH6FC Encouraging words and good info on solar. Mahalo Bill!
-- Michael AG5VG Building LC VFOs for 7 MHz. FB OM!
-- Bob K7ZB An EE who likes the treatment of mixers in the SolderSmoke book.
Friday, November 8, 2024
Using a Photomultiplier THERMATRON to Detect Single Photons
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Mike WU2D Does a CCC Camp POTA with 1930's Gear
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
KA1MUQ's Amazing Homebrew Hybrid Rig
Nate KA1MUQ is still working on this rig and so has not yet produced any detailed schematics, but he sent this to us to show that true homebrewing is NOT dead. Indeed, his magnificent work shows that it is not! This is a 5 band SSB transmitter using both transistors and Thermatrons. I see a crystal filter from Mostly DIY RF in there. FB! And Nate tapped into Pete Juliano's tribal wisdom on homebrewing and hybrid rigs. Pete commented that the three 6146s in the final reminded him of a Yaesu FT-102.
Friday, October 18, 2024
Mike WU2D POTA CCC Camp Activation (21 October 2024) with 1930s-era Station -- See If You Can Contact Mike!
Frank Jones lives! See if you can work Mike on Monday. Let us know if you do!
I’m scheduled to tour the Civilian Conservation Corps. Camp at Bear Brook State Park here in NH on Monday. This is the largest totally intact camp in the country.
I will be activating POTA with the 1930s portable Station. The POTA CCC Camp event is scheduled for Monday around 2:30 ET (if I get everything setup after the camp tour). Primary 7057 kHz Sec 7054 kHz.
The station is an internal battery powered, push-pull Jones Oscillator Transmitter at around 3 Watts out, and a two-tube regenerative receiver that is a period ham artifact. So, four type 30 battery tubes in total.
The antenna is a single wire feed Windom with suspended counterpoise so basically an Off Center Fed Hertz (OCFH).
Between the weather, running the station, logging, and doing camera work, and of course, MURPHY - this should be nuts.
1930s Regen with Transmitter – Fully Self-Contained Portable. Note Charger that is attached to top off the internal battery on transmitter. I did not buy the proscribed 25 9V Batteries and make a TX HV pack up! I used a DC-DC converter and a LiPO drone battery! The Receiver is 100% Dry Cells However.
73’s Mike WU2D
More info here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Pdprx0ItY
And many other great videos on Mike's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MIKROWAVE1
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
The Transistor that Changed the World -- the MOSFET
Monday, September 30, 2024
Fernando's Rigs -- Vintage Ham Radio Receivers
Thanks to Rogier PA1ZZ for sending me this YouTube link. It is a truly wonderful channel from Spain. Not only the Collins Gold Dust Twins, but also lots of great (and not-so-great!) older receivers. SP-600s, S-38s, Rhode and Schwartz rigs, lots of great stuff. Go to the "Videos" link and enjoy the Thermatron goodness. Thanks Rogier! And thanks Fernando!
Friday, September 6, 2024
Ham Radio in the 1970s (and earlier, with some cool Jazz). What favorite rigs do you see?
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Excellent New Video from Grayson KJ7UM on his Thermatron version of the Michigan Mighty Mite
Sunday, August 25, 2024
"Matter Waves" -- A 1961 Bell Labs Film
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
"The Far Sound" -- Bell System Video from 1961 -- Good Radio History (video)