Podcasting since 2005! Listen to Latest SolderSmoke
Sunday, December 22, 2024
SolderSmoke Shack South -- with Mythbuster II and AN762 .1 kW Linear
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Basic Radio Circuitry -- a 1971 film
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
A Clean Vintage Ham Radio Transmitter: The Collins 32S-3
Saturday, September 7, 2024
IMD and Splatter
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Farhan Talks Radio Tech at SolderSmoke HQ (EAST) (TWO VIDEOS!)
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
EXCELLENT Video Series on RF Amplifier Design
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Using the RF Power Amplifier of the BITX40 Module
Friday, September 29, 2023
"The Art of Electronics" #8 -- Why Not a Simple Emitter Follower as The AF Output Circuit?
Back when Dean KK4DAS and I were trying to find a suitable AF amplifier circuit for our High School Direct Conversion receiver project, we were debating what to use as the final. One option was the standard NPN-PNP push-push amplifier (like in Figure 2.53 above) -- an advantage with this one was that it would not require an AF transformer. But we decided that this circuit would add complexity to a project that we were hoping to keep very simple.
Another option was a simple common emitter amplifier with a transformer in the collector circuit. This worked, and was simpler. We ordered the transformers.
In the midst of all this, at the local radio club hams asked us why we just didn't put a single emitter follower at the output to handle the impedance transformation to an 8 ohm speaker (sort of as in Figure 2.52 above). They were convinced this would work. I was not so convinced and pointed out that we had never seen such a circuit in any of the ham radio literature. If this could be done, why hadn't the likes of Doug DeMaw and others used this circuit in their many, many rigs?
This discussion kind of ended there (we opted for the common emitter transformer circuit), but I have thought about it from time to time. A couple of weeks ago, when I got the second edition of The Art of Electronics, I found the above discussion of the use of this kind of emitter follower circuit. You can see why this circuit has not been used. Just to be sure, I built one in LTSpice. Sure enough, it takes way too much current.
Thank you, Horowitz and Hill!
Friday, September 8, 2023
Why Building for 10 Meters is Harder than Building for Lower Frequencies
Recently my trusty CCI EB63A .1kW amplifier has been in rebellion. On 10 meters, it now often insists on being an oscillator. It calms down nicely on 20 meters. But on 10, it has been a rebellious beast.
Why is this? Why would an amplifier that is well behaved and stable on 20 meters behave so badly on 10 meters?
I used LTSpice to explore the problem.
I looked at two ordinary wires. I gave them each a value of .003 uH. Very low. Then I joined them together in a transformer. I put a 1 volt signal into the primary and looked (in LTSpice) at how much of a signal appeared in the secondary. First, the result on 14 MHz. About 250 mV appears on the secondary.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
SolderSmoke FDIM Interviews: A BRAVE HAM! Grayson Evans KJ7UM Presents a 50 Watt Amplifier to THE QRP GROUP!
Wow, talk about walking into the lions' den! Grayson Evans, author of "Hollow State Design" and guru of all things thermatronic, went to FDIM and made a presentation TO THE QRP GROUP on how to build a 50 watt amplifier with a 6146 thermatron. In New York that would have been called chutzpah. The QRP ARCI guys seem to have tolerated this QRO-heresy; I'm not so sure the zealots over in G-QRP would have been quite so tolerant.
Grayson gave a nice shout out to SolderSmoke's Pete Juliano.
And he offered some sage advice to those who live in fear of high voltage: "Don't touch anything with high voltage on it." Words to live by my friends. He even managed to call those who shy away from high voltage "wimps." This was all very reminiscent of the unforgettable safety advice he offered in his August 2021 interview on Ham Radio Workbench: "Try not to swallow anything, and don't sit on the thermatrons." I mean, who can argue with that?
You can listen to Bob Crane's interview with Grayson here (about 6 minutes total):
http://soldersmoke.com/2022 KJ7UM.mp3
Check out Grayson's Hollow-State Design Book 3rd Edition: tinyurl.com/hollowstatedesign3
Check out Grayson's technical blog:kj7um.wordpress.com
Sunday, June 5, 2022
JFET (Junction Field Effect Transistor) Video -- Part 1
Monday, April 25, 2022
75/20 - 17/12 Two Homebrew Rigs in Scrap-Wood Boxes
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
The 17 & 12 SSB Transceiver -- Circuit and Build Info -- Video #4
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Dean's Supercharged, 16-Watt, Furlough 2040, Simple SSB Rig
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Dean KK4DAS Builds an EI9GQ 16 Watt RF Amplifier (and Noodles in the Process)
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
AFTIA! The Audio Frequency Termination Insensitive Amplifier from W7ZOI
Saturday, March 6, 2021
ZL2CTM's Simple SSB Transceiver
Friday, August 14, 2020
Tor LB4RG Builds an IRF-510 Amplifier
Click on the link to check out Tor's very FB and artistic video about his homebrew IRF-510 amplifier.
Very Nice. Also, check out Tor's FB SolderSmoke hat.
And here is an update from Tor"
Monday, June 22, 2020
Feedback on Farhan's FB Feedback Amp Video
As I said a couple of days ago, Farhan has put out a very informative video on amplifier design. During the video we can see him determine bias, feedback and load levels, then select component values. We then see him actually build the amplifier "ugly style" and use his Antuino to test it. Fantastic.
Watch Farhan's video here: https://www.vu2ese.com/index.php/2020/06/18/feedback-amplifier/
I sent Farhan some of my reactions to the video. In the hope of stimulating some discussion, I repeat them here:
Wow Farhan, I really enjoyed your video and learned a lot. You definitely have the Knack for explaining this stuff.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Excellent Video from Farhan on Amplifier Design
Farhan has produced a really excellent video explaining the theory behind the feedback amplifiers that we use in so many of our circuits. He takes us through the design and construction of these amplifiers, then uses his Antuino network analyzer to test an amplifier and to measure input and output impedances.
There is a lot of tribal knowledge and wisdom in this video!
Check it out here:
Thanks Farhan!