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Showing posts with label April 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label April 1. Show all posts

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sticker Madness, HI7, April 1

Our friend Lex astutely focused on the date of the release of our report about legal prosecution by the City of San Francisco.  The truth is that we made almost all of this up.  We did put a sticker on a lamp post at Haight and Ashbury.   Dave AA7EE did visit the site and report that the sticker had been removed.  But all the rest was made up.  We did catch several people in this annual April 1 joke.  Unfortunately, not everyone who was taken in was outraged by the city's supposed action. In fact, we got one e-mail SUPPORTING the prosecution.  This fellow said, essentially, that we were getting what we deserved, that we should take this as a life lesson, and stop with the sticker-vandalism.  He was serious.  Jeez.  APRIL FOOL!   We will talk more about this in the next podcast. 

I know the podcast has been delayed by a lot, but I am still getting things set up here in HI7 land.  I hope we will soon be podcasting with particpation from California (N6QW), Northern Virginia (KK4DAS), and the Dominican Republic (HI7/N2CQR).  

Happily, my Dominican ham radio license came through  -- I will be HI7/N2CQR for the next year.  At some point I hope to take the Dominican exam and get a real Dominican call. 

Lex has been our main point of contact in Europe on sticker distribution (aka VANDALISM!). Lex writes:   

Hello all,

Shocked to hear about the "Legal action against Soldersmoke" in podcast : 


Which could mean a few things : 
  1. some official is trying to make a career and he will be very busy because there are a lot of stickers in San Fransisco to remove.
  2. somebody did remove the sticker because they are highly collectable and somebody at soldersmoke HQ saw a opportunity to made one of the best april fools jokes in soldersmoke history pulling the listeners (and readers) leg. 
  3. somebody use photoshop and made one of the best april fools jokes in soldersmoke history pulling the listeners (and readers) leg. 

Looking at the release date of the soldersmoke podcast 251, IMHO #3 is the most possible with #2 as a good second. When #1 is the real reason, that sucks big time :-(  (so I'm hoping for the april fools joke outcome)

Let's continue and get on topic to this e-mails subject.

My XYL and I are just back from a holiday to Berlin and aside of the architecture, visiting a large number of museums and historical exhibitions, there was one place on my personal list I wanted to visit : the "Teufelsberg". 

*  The "Teufelsberg" (Devil's Mountain) is a artificial mountain build with rumble of the ruins of Berlin on top of the “Wehrtechnische Fakultät”, covert soil and plated full with trees. In the early 70's the location became one of the most important locations for the United States’ National Security Agency (NSA) outside the United States. The facility monitors Soviet and Eastern Bloc communications and gathers important information on the activities of Warsaw Pact countries. 1992 the side got intrest of creative minds and started to get covert by street art.
More info about the history can be found on there website:  https://www.teufelsberg-berlin.de/en/history/

Not only the historical part of the site, but also because the XYL and I love street art, we took a day visit it. Aside from the nice walk to it, the excellent view and the great pieces of street art, when you are at a site where street art is present all over the place and even is encouraged (and legal) and you "accidently" just happen to have a few soldersmoke stickers in you bag, you just have to use them. So as of this moment, Soldersmoke is present a the formal National Security Agency (NSA) spy station in Berlin. 

I added a few images as a attachment to this e-mail including one to show the great view over Berlin when you on the top deck (only showing one placement, the other 2 are hidden in plane site). 

In short : when you can apricate street art and visit Berlin, a visit to the "Teufelsberg" is almost a must. IBEW bonus : there are a few soldersmoke stickers hidden on the top dek for you to find ;-)

73 from PA 

Lex PH2LB 

mail : lex@ph2lb.nl
home : http://www.ph2lb.nl/   
twitter : https://twitter.com/lex_ph2lb  
call : PH2LB 

"Life's like a role playing adventure. You
need to solve the puzzles first before
they let you go to the next level."

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

SolderSmoke Re-Play: Goggle EMBRACES Morse Code: Gmail Tap

Wow!  CW finally gets some respect from the Silicon Valley guys!  There is actually a Vibroplex bug in this video.  And they note how USEFUL this will be for those afflicted with Fat Finger Syndrome (Pete's Disease). FB Google!  TNX! 

I was feeling kind of bad about the fact that there was one year in which we didn't do something special on the first day of the fourth month.  That year was 2012.  But looking back, we kind of did! The very next day, we posted this really awesome video from the folks at Google:

Saturday, May 15, 2021

SolderSmoke Podcast #230 is available! Apr 1, Mars, Group Build, SDR, SSB, Mich Mighty Mites, Mailbag

SolderSmoke Podcast #230 is available for download


N2CQR was down for maintenance 
A few words about April 1
China lands on Mars
Brood X Cicadas arriving in NOVA 

Pete's Bench
The Dentron Project
The Spillsbury Tindall SBX-11A
KK4DAS and the Simple SSB Group Build
TenTec mods
Shack Mystery solved.  Maybe 
Changing the channels at age 9 

Bill's Bench
Why LSB below 10 MHz? The "SSB Legend" Rig
WU2D RTL-Dongle Up converter
Understanding the Gilbert (Jones) Cell
SDRSmart  RTL-SDR.com V3 Dongle 
VK3HN and 2 meter SSB
Jack NG2E, MMM and the 10 minute transmitter
KD4EBM sends me SST by Wayne Burdick. DX!  
A new computer 


 60 Minutes Story on Mars Ingenuity Helicopter: 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

A VERY Successful April Fools' Day

I was worried.  It was early on the morning of April 1, 2021, and I had NOTHING. Maybe this  was because so much unbelievable stuff has recently happened in the world.  Or maybe it is because technology has been moving so fast that today's April Fools' joke is tomorrow's new device. Whatever the reason, for the first time in about 15 years, I had noting.  April Fools' Day has long been part of ham radio's culture and I was worried that I would not be making a contribution this year. 

Then something caught my eye.  Did you know that on Thursday they decided to change the rules of chess!  Yes indeed!  NO MORE DRAWS!   Fantastic!    This provided the inspiration for our announcement of the brutal FCC rule-making action regarding the banning of "legacy equipment."  

I knew that that headline would attract a lot of attention. And let me inform you that, according to the official rules of April Fools' Day,  if that headline did pull you in,  well that constitutes a "gotcha."  So far 1,758 people are in this category.  I thank you all.   

The comments attached to the announcement were really heart warming, even those that included profanity directed at my persona.  People recalled earlier April 1 events, like the time Pete was defenestrated from the QRP Hall of Fame.  Good times, my friends, good times!   

This was an especially happy April 1 for me, because I also launched two other highly successful operations: 

-- I teach a Zoom class.  On Thursday morning I told the students about new concerns regarding  the light hitting their eyes from the computer screens.  We were all being issued dark glasses and would henceforth have to Zoom with shades on (see above).  The students -- bless their hearts -- all agreed to do this.  

-- We are closely associated with a small company that has the word "native" in the corporate name.  As in "Native Vegetation."  Shockingly, last Thursday we got an e-mail from the Virginia Small Business Commission DEMANDING that we change the name of the company.  It seems that ANY use of the word "native" was now deemed unacceptable.  The people in this company (ALL OF THEM!) were really outraged by this.  I had to pull the plug before any legal actions were initiated!  

So, to all of you, Happy April Fools' Day!     

Thursday, April 1, 2021

FCC to Ban "Legacy" Equipment and Circuitry

From the FCC Newsline: 

Out with the old

In a long-expected policy move, the Federal Communications Commission today announced that starting on April 2, 2022,  all equipment in use by the amateur radio service must comply with strict emission purity standards.  The Commission's rule-making focuses on the bandwidth of high frequency transceivers.   Starting one year from tomorrow,  amateur equipment will be limited to a bandwidth of 3500 cycles per second.   Emissions outside the bandwidth limits must be at least 100 db below the average power in the bandpass.  In effect, this means that amateur equipment must make use of the kind of "brick wall"  filtering only available from software defined equipment.   Bringing the service into conformity with commercial practices, all high frequency equipment will be on Upper Sideband.  

"No more skirts" 

An FCC official -- who requested anonymity because of "threats"  -- told Newsline that part of the motivation behind today's announcement was a desire to end the unseemly discussion of the filter "skirts" of "legacy" ham radio gear:  "Obviously there were concerns about the pejorative way many hams were referring to 'the skirts.'  This is the 21st century!  It was time to be more inclusive!" 

Audio Tinkering to Continue

The FCC official told Newsline that the Commission is not in any way attempting to discourage hams from tinkering with the "audio quality" of their commercial SDR equipment: "As long as they keep the bandwidth to 3500 Hz, they can tinker and adjust to their hearts' content," said the official.  He went on to use some of the colorful language recently heard on the ham bands: "If they want to include very low audio frequencies -- what some call 'the thunder down under' they can do that.  Or if they want to emphasize the high frequencies -- for that "Krispy Kreme" sound -- they can do that too.   All they have to do is learn how to set  the menus on their equipment. We understand that the manufacturers will soon be making available software packages that will -- with just a simple download -- set the menus according to the desires of the consumer. Uh,  I mean of the radio amateur." 

The FCC official said he thinks the ruling will actually encourage and facilitate audio tweaking. "We know this is important to modern hams.  It makes them feel connected to the days when hams actually built their own equipment.  We have noticed the development of an amazingly rich  technical vocabulary, terms like 'presence'  "muddy'  'bright'  and 'punchy' are now in common use.  Clearly the Commission would not want to stand in the way of this kind of technical advancement!"

Sinking the Boatanchors

The FCC acknowledged that this ruling spells the end for on-the-air use of  older ham equipment. "Clearly none of that old junk will meet the new requirements.  I mean these guys were literally using hunks of rock to filter their sidebands.  It was practically medieval!  Time to wake up, smell the decaffeinated coffee, and get with the SDR program OM!" 

Fears of violent push-back

The FCC official did acknowledge that there are fears of possible violent push-back from certain "sub-cultures" in the ham radio world.  "Working closely with our partners in Homeland Security, we have looked closely at the possibility of violent pushback.  Of particular concern are groups that appear to be fiercely loyal to what they sometimes defiantly refer to as 'Hardware Defined Radio.'   There are some truly frightening groups out there.  One group is called the CBLA -- The Color Burst Liberation Army.   They seem especially fond of quartz crystals and are radically opposed to the new SDR requirements.  Also of concern are groups that continue to insist on using Double Sideband Unsuppressed Phone generated by equipment using vacuum tube.  Vacuum tubes! They call them 'thermatrons.'  Again this is really medieval."  The spokesman said that the FBI is monitoring these groups, but is not very concerned because of the physical condition of many of the fanatics.  "Most of these guys rarely leave their homes.  In fact, for the last year many of them seem to have been repeating a strange "Stay in the Shack" mantra.  Many still smoke, never exercise, and now refuse to take the vaccine.  So we are not too worried, " said the FBI spokesman. 

Support from Industry and the Major Ham Organization

FCC officials tell Newsline that the major equipment manufacturers -- along with the principal ham radio organization -- were very supportive of this move, seeing it as a major opportunity to "stimulate" both sales and advertising revenue. 

Saturday, May 5, 2018

SolderSmoke Podcast #204 April 1, SPRAT Cover 2, uBITX mania, MAILBAG

SolderSmoke Podcast #204 is available! 


5 May 2018

April 1 Recap -- We thank you for your support! 

Pete's Rig on Cover of SPRAT 174 

uBITX Mania

uBITX Dual Conversion Design

uBITX Gettng more out of the Arduino/Si5351 combo

uBITX KD8CEC's amazing software

uBITX Future Possibilities

uBITX On-the-Air Experiences, with CW too! 


KD8CGH's Hyderabox -- THERE ARE TWO! 
QSO with N1AW's cardboard uBITX
DuWayne on QSO TODAY
Jack 5R8SV -- Radio Gods NOT Happy
Jack Purdum W8TEE -- Thanks OM
Charles AI4OT
Chris KB4PBT 15 inch telescope
John WJ0NF Reading SolderSmoke
Ken W8KTP Ordering a uBITX 
Darren KG7KOI  Listening
Gary AK4NA  New Word:  "Cabinetize" FB OM! 

Monday, April 2, 2018

REPRIEVE! SolderSmoke Saved by a Loophole!

First, let me thank the many, many MANY, loyal listeners from around the world who wrote in with expressions of support and sympathy.  Special thanks to our UK listeners who were notable in their indignation for they saw as a blatant example of US litigiousness "gone mad."  One loyal British listener went so far as to pledge to immediately end his patronage of the Birmingham Vaping business known as SodderSmoke.  We found this quite, well, suprising.   But we were chuffed, nonetheless.  Thanks OM! 

The expressions of concern were really quite touching.  One listener asked if he should  -- in an effort to keep us out of hot water -- destroy his SolderSmoke coffee mug.  With fans like that, well, what can I say?  

In responding to the legal crisis, our listeners displayed ASTOUNDING creativity in their crafting of alternative names for the podcast.   

Buck seems to have a real "knack" for name-smithing. He wrote: 
The easiest would be Solder Haze - it's a simple scan & replace.  But
if the trademark trolls grabbed 'haze' too...
Some other ideas:
Eutectic Point
The Solder Wick Chronicles
The Joy of Soldering
Fahrenheit 368

John suggested the rather toxic  "LeadVapors," but we feared that that one might lead to even more trouble, perhaps even with the EPA.  (But, no, wait -- no worries there!) 

Gary suggested SolderSuckers.   I briefly thought of the many people who wrote in (see above) but concluded that that one just sucked.  No. 

A number of listeners suggested legal counterattacks and fund-raising effots.  (We did get one unsolicited donation!)   One fellow suggested fighting fire with fire by having us trademark the phrase "Chicks dig it" and then just letting the money roll in. 

One devoted radio amateur said that he "informed his club and launched a letter writing campaign."  Thanks OM!  Keep those cards and letters going... 

There were, unfortunately, many disparaging comments about California, and "pot-heads," and "California pot heads."  But hey, Dudes...  they don't mind.  They are not going to let you harsh their mellows. 

Stewart tried to claim that there is some sort of UK rule that says that things like this can't be carried on past noon local time in Britain.  Ha! I said.  We are no longer bound by Imperial edicts.  

Similarly, Peter in Australia complained that the story reached him on April 2, rendering it null and void.  Sorry Peter, these are UTC operations my friend.  Time to wake up and join the rest of the world!

Well, let me get to the point:   The beloved name of our podcast and blog has been saved by a loophole.  You see, any legal challenges of this nature launched and announced on April 1st of each year are HIGHLY likely to be found, on even casual examination, to be be null, void, and totally bogus. 

So no, 





But we thank you for your support.  And, to make it official:  APRIL FOOL!  73  Bill 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

NO MORE SMOKE: Lawsuit Leads to Podcast Changes

We mentioned on the last podcast that we had some difficulties that led to a long delay between Podcast #202 and #203.   We couldn't go into detail, and we are still somewhat limited as to what we can say, but we thought that today we should bring you all as up-to-speed as we can with what has been going on.  

First, an apology.  Some of what we told you was, in retrospect, kind of misleading.  Pete's computer didn't really crash.  Sure, he did have to reconstruct a lot of files, but his original computer was just fine.  The problem was that it had been taken by court order as part of the legal mess we find ourselves in.   

Here is the deal:  We got hit with a "violation of trademark" lawsuit.  It seems that one of the new agricultural industries that has sprung up recently in California has taken a very aggressive legal stance in protecting their "rights."  Part of this effort is a proactive filing for trademark protection for any product name that could in the future be related to their product.   So apparently anything with "smoke" in the name was scooped up by them.  They also claim to forsee the possibility of a "solder-scented recreational product." We also suspect they are in cohoots  with the new electronic cigarette "vaping" industry.   We  have heard that they are working with a "vaping" company in Birmingham, England that calls itself "SodderSmoke."  (As you may have heard, the word has a different connotation in the UK.)  They are using this British Vaping thing to bolster their claim that we are violating their trademark.  

Pete feels terrible about all of this.  The fact that he is located in California was what allowed the LA lawyers to take us to court in that state.  And we have been advised that we do not have much of a chance in this matter.  You see, marijuana has become a very important product in Pete's state. And "vaping" with e-cigarettes is also very big out there.  So there is big money and big cultural forces behind this effort.  We a tiny small fish caught in the net of big new industries.  

Pete wants to fight this (you know how he is) but I think we will have to just give in and move on.  Look, STARTING TODAY they are threatening to sue us for ONE MILLION DOLLARS every instance in which we use name of the podcast that you have all come to love so much.  I am scrambling to expunge the title from all the blog files.  Just look at the header on the top of this blog page. 

So at this point we find ourselves in search of a new name.  We turn to you, our loyal listeners, for ideas.  We hope to come up with something that will remind people of what we once were, of the good times we had under the old name.  Please send us your suggestion.  PLEASE DO NOT use the e-mail address that has the old name in it.  That would just make the lawyers and the "farmers" rich.   Instead, send your suggestions to n2cqr@yahoo.com

Bill and Pete


Saturday, May 6, 2017

SolderSmoke Podcast #196 Rockets, Pete's EXPULSION, SDR, DiFX, '602 rigs, T.O.M.

View from rocket. I'm in front of the swing-set, with hat on. Billy to my left.

SolderSmoke Podcast #196 is available.
5 May 2017

Shenandoah Rocket Launch -- With video!

Pete and the QRPARCI HOF: We thank you for your support! 
Note the strange seasonality of these kinds of events... Always in the Springtime...
April is the cruelest month. Especially the FIRST DAY!  

Feel Tech Follow-up -- the DC blocking cap issue.

HBTV?  Roku Challenge? 

A tube of Desitin?  Why?

SDR Misadventures. 
SDR on a tablet  Just like WA7HRG
Pi Day   More RaspPi Linux observations  TOO HARD
The problem of Si5351 and updated libraries -- old sketches don't work!
My SDR question: If we go with direct sampling, no need for I and Q at front end  No image problem, right?  But why is there often a digital I and Q in the direct sampling receivers?

Getting RF in through the DDS jack.

Electric Radio:  Reading from the history of SSB.  And from the T.O.M. article
Joe Carr K4IPV : Homebrew Hero from Falls Church Va.  Any more info on him?

Pete's newest DifX
Pete's new digital scope.

Bill's NE602 RIG, Epiphyte History.
He put AADE crystal filter impedance match circuits in backward  That's why he needed RF amp. Duh.
The perils of a crowded box 
Building RF amp board (BITX Module design) for the NE602 rig.
NE602s do not put out a lot of power. uW
BITX Module Amp circuits very stable.
Chassis as the heat sink.
Mic amp?  We don't need no stinkin' mic amp!  But yes, we do. 741 on the way.

Parts on e-bay very expensive!  Back to the hamfests. On to Manassas!

Congrats to Tony Fishpool G4WIF, who received the Don Cameron, G4STT, Award for an outstanding contribution to low power amateur radio at the RSGB AGM meeting in Cardiff.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Pete Juliano's Expulsion from the QRP Hall of Fame

First, I'd like to thank the many, many radio amateurs who sent in e-mails demanding that our friend Pete Juliano stay in the QRP Hall of Fame.  Their outrage at his expulsion was palpable.  They were angry and fired up.  Many compared Pete Juliano to baseball great  Pete Rose (who also got expelled from a Hall of Fame).   They wrote to us from all around the globe.  Several saw the action against Pete as yet another example of the deep divisions that are affecting modern society -- several saw it as being connected to our recent Presidential election, and/or BREXIT. 

Some writers took a diplomatic approach and tried to suggest ways that this ugly conflict might be ended -- one fellow suggested that Pete try to redeem himself by agreeing to enter some kind of QRP 12 Step Program.  Others got legalistically combative and said we should just "lawyer-up."

A number of our correspondents took note of the seasonal nature of these kinds of events. Who can forget the April  move a few years back by the New Jersey State Legislature to ban the use of soldering irons in the home?   "This kind of thing always seems to happen in the Spring-time!" said one irate Juliano surrogate,  "It is like Shakespeare wrote:  'Beware the Ides of March' -- only two weeks later!" Another ham also spotted the seasonal nature of these stories and quoted from T.S. Elliott's poem "The Wasteland":  "April is the cruelest month, especially the first day!"

We must point out that not all those who wrote were opposed to Pete's expulsion -- one writer said, "It is about time that that Pete "KW" Juliano got what he deserved! Good riddance!" (We have sent this e-mail to one of Pete's Italian-American relatives in New Jersey for, uh, action.)

Several of those who wrote in support of Pete are prominent members of the amateur radio community (they will -- if they follow our instructions -- remain anonymous.)

One activist supporter said that Pete's expulsion should lead to a street protest movement called "Pete's Award Matters" and that the chant at demonstrations could be "NO JULIANO, NO PEACE!"  Kind of catchy don't you think?

Anyway, we sincerely hope you have ALL figured out what was going on here. For those who have not, and for all those who wrote in, let me complete the tradition by saying it: "April Fool!"   

We'd like to thank all who participated in this long-standing amateur radio tradition.  Special thanks to Preston Douglas and the QRP-ARCI for putting up with all this.  (Tony Fishpool told us that he knew this couldn't be real, because someone as nice as Preston Douglas would NEVER expel anyone.)     

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Soldersmoke Podcast #186 Is Available -- April 1 Rap Up, Pi Talk from Pete, Collins and Raspberries, Bill's Analog RX, Visits and Hamfests, MAILBAG

SolderSmoke podcast #186 is available:

-- April 1 WireWrapRap Rap-up.  Feedback from participants.

-- Bench Reports:
   - Pete talks about his Raspberry Pi SDR DSP rig.  
   - Bill talks about on his Mate for the Mighty Midget Receiver and his R2 Frankenstein.

-- A story from Pete's youth: Cruising the "Miracle Mile" with a Heathkit "Ten-er."

-- Why do we need more RF amplification (in receivers) on 20 than on 40?

-- Have you ever tuned the BFO freq in a superhet by the "sound of the noise?"  

-- A visit to Washington by Jonathan W0OX and family.

-- Bill goes to Winterfest Hamfest with Armand WA1UQO

-- Pete on the importance of balance (in life).

-- Great interviews on QSO Today: Peter Parker, Grayson Evans, and Ashhar Farhan.

- Paul Darlington M0XPD has a new book about life, travel, and the Dayton Hamvention.
- Michael AA1TJ QRV with a tuning fork at its 2,000th harmonic.
- Jonathan M0JGH living dangerously with homebrew QRP in Italy.
- Ben KC9DLM JoO with MMM
- Stefan DL1DF needs 3.579 MHz rock "with mojo." We have it for you OM.

The music for SolderSmoke 186 was written and performed (the bass lines) by Pete's son Tim.  Thanks Tim!
Pete also suggested that we have some rap lyrics for this music, so renaissance man that he is,  he composed some words. We are still looking for a performer.  

Yo we solder no more – its wire wrap and cables
The cables connect to the small  black box
hold on to your pants and pull up your socks
A cable goes here and a cable goes there
Turn on the switch and its Shazam all software


Monday, April 4, 2016

April 1 and WireWrapRap: How to Calculate Your Score

Let's make it official:

Even though "more involvement in contesting" was just another part of our WireWrapRap hoax, I thought it would be appropriate to offer a scoring scheme for those who participated in our little April 1 special event.  Just answer the following questions and keep track of how many points you earn for each:

When you read the WireWrapRap April 1 blog post, how many paragraphs did you read through before you knew it was an April Fool's Day joke? (Maximum 12 points.  If you knew it was a joke as soon as you read the title, award yourself ZERO points.)

When you read the WireWrapRap April 1 blog post,  were you at any point further convinced of its authenticity by the fact that the title of the blog had been changed?  If so, award yourself 2 points.

If after reading the WireWrapRap April 1 blog post you Googled "Wire Wrap," award yourself 5 points.  Award 15 more points if you even briefly thought that this might be a nice alternative to soldering.

When you read the section about the digital modes, did you at any point question the existence of the "new" SNICKR, Oreo, and Oregano modes?   If not, award yourself 5 points.

After reading the WireWrapRap April 1 blog post, did you  -- in an effort to confirm your suspicions -- go to  the comment section to see if others had declared it an April Fool's joke?  If so, award yourself 10 points.  (Be honest here guys.  We got 41 comments on this post, a new record for the SolderSmoke blog.  For some reason a lot of people were checking the comments section.  I'm just sayin...)  

If, after reading the WireWrapRap April 1 blog post you felt anger toward the author for the way he had so selfishly and greedily abandoned the cause of analog, discrete component, Hardware Defined, axial lead electronics, award yourself 5 points.

If, when you noticed that MANY  of the comments on the April 1 blog post had been "removed by the blog administrator," you assumed they were obscene, irate, or perhaps (justified?)  threats, award yourself 15 points. (In fact they all said "APRIL FOOL!" and were removed so that they wouldn't spoil the fun for late arrivals.)  

If one of your comments was among those "removed by the blog administrator"  award yourself NEGATIVE 5 points. 

If your anger about the changes being announced to the SolderSmoke podcast led you to send a complaining or threatening e-mail (or text or tweet!),  go ahead and award yourself 10 points (and please consider enrolling in an anger management program).

If,  on the other hand, after reading the WireWrapRap April 1 blog post you actually sent us an e-mail, comment, text, or tweet congratulating us or wishing us well on the new WireWrapRap podcast, award yourself a richly deserved 25 points. And thanks for the kind wishes.

If this scoring scheme is making you angry now, award yourself 5 points and seriously consider the anger management thing.

If, after reading the WireWrapRap April 1 blog post you actually tried to find out how to get the new podcast from Soundcloud,  award yourself 25 points.

Please send me your scores.  You can put them in the comments section (and I know you know how to do this).  Or you can e-mail them to soldersmoke@yahoo.com.   Or you can text them or tweet them to us or send them to the Soundcloud (just kidding).  Don't worry, we probably won't be announcing the winner.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Our New Sponsor: HOMEBREW 4 U! 家釀的你


As I mentioned in the last podcast, we've been in some pretty serious negotiations with a new sponsor that I think is going to bring some MAJOR changes to the podcast.

"Homebrew 4 U"  å®¶é‡€çš„ä½    is an innovative new company based in Fakeszuhow, China.  Up until now they  specialized in custom circuit board manufacturing, but they recently contacted us with an expansion idea that we found very interesting.  They have been listening to the podcast, reading the ham radio magazines, and monitoring the U.S. amateur frequencies (especially 75 and 40).  They noticed some things:

Most hams DO NOT build their own gear.... but many seem to feel vaguely guilty about this. They seem to react with unease when they encounter a ham using a homebrew rig.  They grow defensive and scornful.  The jealousy is quite palpable. Obviously there is an exploitable niche in those sentiments!

Many hams express a DESIRE to build gear but then follow-up and say they "have no time" (what with all the contesting, video games, NASCAR, and golf!) 

Other hams say that they really want to build their own gear, but don't know anything about electronics (even though they are Extra Class -- how did that happen?) and they don't really want to learn.

Some hams say they would really like to build their own gear but find parts of the process quite distasteful.  Like winding toroidal coils. Or reading schematics. And then there's all that soldering!  But they insist that in spite of all this distaste for actual building, they really DO want to join the ranks of the homebrewers.

So.... Homebrew 4 U is developing a FANTASTIC product line that meets the needs of these guilty, busy, knowledge-free, toroid hating,  solder-averse homebrew wannabes!

On April 1, 2016, Homebrew 4 U will roll out a line of GENUINE homebrew radios. To bolster their genuiness, they will henceforth be referred to not as radios but as "RIGS" (nice touch, don't you think?)  

Unless the buyers select the optional "really build" option (see below), each "rig" will be complete and ready to operate.  And here is the beautiful part:  it will be a genuine homebrew rig, BECAUSE the company is doing all their work in an actual HOME in Fakezuhow! Pretty great huh?  So you WILL be able to proudly announce on 40 meters that you are running a homebrew rig (Remember: rig, not radio!)

Each of the H4U rigs will share some common features, all designed to provide the proud buyer (I mean homebrewer) with opportunities to remind people that he is running a genuine homebrew rig:

-- They will drift a bit.  Not too much, but enough to provide you with the chance to mention that your "rig" is "homebrew." Prepare to be envied my friends! 
-- The frequency readout will be set up to put you automatically on "wrong" frequencies. 
Like 7.162.025 instead of the "correct" 7.162.000000000000000000000000000000000000.  Again, another opportunity to gloat. Pretty neat, huh?
-- The audio quality on SSB will be SUPERB.  EXCELLENT.  This will provide some wonderful opportunities to compare signals with the Enhanced SSB gang.  Yours will sound as good or better than theirs, and you can follow-up by telling them that you are using a Radio Shack electret mic element, a one transistor mic amp, and NO EQUALIZER.  They'll love it!

REALLY BUILD OPTION:   For those wanting to enhance the truthiness of their on-the-air homebrew experience, for just a few dollars extra, H4U will leave one part UNCONNECTED.  You will then be able to make that critical final connection (don't worry, it won't be a toroid, and the connection will be via alligator clips -- if you've gone this far we know you don't own a soldering iron!).  You will thus be able to tell your envious interlocutors about the happy day when you "finished" your radio.  I mean rig.  You know what I mean.

Pete is heading out to China this week to supervise the manufacturing (I mean the homebrewing).  Thanks Pete!  Skype in OM!

So remember, the roll-out is set for April 1, 2016.  Watch out Yaesu! 

 Our book: "SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics" http://soldersmoke.com/book.htm Our coffee mugs, T-Shirts, bumper stickers: http://www.cafepress.com/SolderSmoke Our Book Store: http://astore.amazon.com/contracross-20

Monday, April 2, 2012

Google CW!

Google announced this yesterday. VERY timely. I wish I had thought of this!

Our book: "SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics"http://soldersmoke.com/book.htmOur coffee mugs, T-Shirts, bumper stickers: http://www.cafepress.com/SolderSmokeOur Book Store: http://astore.amazon.com/contracross-20

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Homebrew Microphone Using Cream of Tartar (NOT Tartar Sauce)

Podcast listeners will recall that this year's April 1 edition featured a story about my (supposed) efforts to cure long-standing audio problems by "chemically tailoring" home-made microphone elements. I asked for listener suggestions on which kitchen ingredients I should add to the mix. Very few listeners fell for it. But now -- as often happens -- somebody out there has completed the project that we were using as our annual hoax. Check it out. Very interesting:
And I think he has a follow-up post.

Our book: "SolderSmoke -- Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics"http://soldersmoke.com/book.htmOur coffee mugs, T-Shirts, bumper stickers: http://www.cafepress.com/SolderSmokeOur Book Store: http://astore.amazon.com/contracross-20

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

EDN Article on April 1 and other Pranks

Bob, W8SX, alerted me to this gem. Geek thrills.


Here is one of my favorite segments (it involved a 'scope and a soldering iron):

You should beware of prank escalation. Len Sherman, application engineer at Maxim recalls a prank exchange with Jim Williams when they were at MIT. As he loves to do, Williams had bought an old broken oscilloscope and worked on it all day, bringing it back to life and perfect operation. After Williams went home for the night, Sherman put a piece of toilet paper under Jim’s oscilloscope graticule. The paper was unnoticeable, but made the scope trace fuzzy. It looked like a focus problem. Jim went crazy the next day trying to fix this problem. He had the covers off and was measuring all the high voltage circuits. It took a few hours before he found the paper.

To retaliate, Williams took the hinge pins out of the lab door and tied a rope to the doorknob that he pulled back into the room, threw over a beam in the ceiling, and tied to 100 pounds of ballast. The next morning Sherman put the key in the lock and turned the knob. The entire door left it hinges and glided, upright, back into the lab about 10 feet. It then stopped and fell over. “It looked like something out of a Stephen King movie,” recalls Sherman.

Sherman then rigged up a water nozzle to a photo-switch triggered by the lab lights. He rigged a soldering iron with coil of solder around it used as a fuse, to time out the prank. Sherman didn’t want to flood the lab, just run the water nozzle for a minute or so. Williams got wet.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

SolderSmoke Podcast #123

Listen at: http://www.soldersmoke.com

SolderSmoke #123
Spring! Equinox! Sap in Vermont! Aurora in Norway! Birds singing in Rome!

SolderSmoke on Oprah. Program Schedule:

Special Report from MASSCON QRP Convention by Mark, NX1K

Propagation improvingWSPR as a personal sunspot detector
Building the W3PM WSPR rig
Colpitts oscillators
Polyakov's "Russian Mixer"
BANDSWEEP: A low-frequency sweep by Chris, KD4PBJ
EMRFD on Direct Conversion and Direct Aversion

Faraday's toroid diagram

SolderSmoke--THE BOOK:

SolderSmoke--THE STORE:
Designer: Douglas Bowman | Dimodifikasi oleh Abdul Munir Original Posting Rounders 3 Column