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Sunday, February 9, 2025
Light Beam Communication from the Dominican Republic?
Saturday, February 8, 2025
SolderSmoke Challenge -- Direct-Conversion Receiver Video #5 -- Building the Audio Frequency Amplifier
SolderSmoke Challenge – Direct Conversion Receiver – the Audio Amplifier Build and Receiver Demonstration
In this episode Dean, KK4DAS wraps up the initial build of the SolderSmoke Challenge DCR. He takes us through the audio amplifier stage and demonstrates the newly built receiver just moments after connecting the audio module to the mixer and hooking up a speaker. The audio module is conceptually simple – three nearly identical stock-standard common emitter audio amplifiers which provide the 80-100 dB of amplification you need to go from microvolts of RF to volts of audio to drive a speaker. The challenge with all that amplification in a small board is to keep it amplifying but to stop it from oscillating and as you’ll see in the video, good construction technique is critical to good performance.
And wow! We now have more than 30 builders working on the SolderSmoke Challenge, with more builders completing the challenge every day. And those are just the ones who are active on tour Discord server. If you have completed the DCR or even if you have just started building it, we want to hear from you. Send a picture or better yet a video – make it a selfie and you can join the SolderSmoke challenge hall of fame!
And if you are not yet building it, you must ask yourself one question:
What are you waiting for?
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Thursday, February 6, 2025
SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver Challenge: A Short Video from Dean about the Virtues of Building the AF Amplifier ONE STAGE AT A TIME
Dean will soon post his longer video on how to build the fourth and final board of the SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Challenge receiver, but we know many builders are chomping at the bit, and are going ahead with the building of the AF amp board. We hope that this short preliminary video will help. Here Dean descibes the benefit of building the three stage amp, ONE STAGE AT A TIME.
Response to the challenge has been great. There are at least 30 receivers under construction around the world. Many are already inhaling RF. All of the problems that arise with true homebrew are being identified and fixed. Dean's full AF amp video will be out shortly. Thanks Dean!Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Mr. Carlson Restores a BC-348 -- But 40 Meters Sounds Very Weak. Why?
Saturday, February 1, 2025
SolderSmoke Challenge – Direct Conversion Receiver – the Band Pass Filter
The SolderSmoke DCR challenge is going well. Our Discord server is bustling with activity and we are impressed that several intrepid homebrewers have already completed the receiver. So, we know that you can too! In this episode Dean, KK4DAS walks us through the design and construction of third of our four boards, the 40-meter band pass filter. The band pass filter ensures that the only signals that get through the receiver to the speaker are those that are in the 40-meter band. Dean also gives an update on the Challenge and discusses some recent improvements we've made to the circuits based on feedback from our builders.
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USAF Video: Why SSB is Superior to Ordinary AM