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Monday, January 6, 2025

Scott KQ4AOP's PTO Coil Forms for the High-School Direct-Conversion Receiver (Video)

Scott KQ4AOP listened to amateur radio signals for the first time using a homebrew receiver.  That is really something.  See:  https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/search?q=KQ4AOP

Scott then very kindly offered to 3D print the coil form for the PTO that is one of the four stages of our High School receiver project.  The above video shows the coil forms being 3D printed on Scott's machine, and explains where some of them are going. 

Dean KK4DAS will soon launch a video and e-mail-based build of the receiver.  Stay tuned. Dean's series should clear up any remaining questions about how to build this receiver.  As Scott so rightly said: 

"This was my first receiver build and, it was great fun. When you finish the build and prove you are able to tune through the band, you are welcomed into the secret society! The build is the initiation. I am happy to print and ship the PTO if needed."  


  1. Awesome work helping people get their projects started! I'm in Indiana and would also be glad to ship PTO coils if anyone needs them. I also printed some right angle adapters to hold the volume and gain pots. If anyone wants some of those too let me know.

  2. Awesome Derek!

    1. Happy to report that I have shipped a PTO form and accessories to a prospective DCRX builder. Hopefully there will be at least one more receiver on the air in due time.

    2. Thank you Derek!

    3. I would very much like to purchase 2 cool forms from one of you. I foind you on qrz.com but couldn’t figure out how to display your email address. Please either one of you respond if you are willing. My email is wesley47383@google.com. Thanks!!

    4. N2HH: Scott and or Derek would like to help but it appears that the email address you provided does not work. Please send us a good email address or even a good mailing address.


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