There it is, in all its glory. The transmitter itself is a Doug DeMaw "Lil' Slugger" CW transmitter for 10 and 15. I built it, maybe 25 years ago? Still works. 3 Watts out, crystal controlled on 10. Antenna is a 1/4 Wave groundplane up about 70 feet. Mike WN2A kindly made me a PIC-based keyer that is generating the CW -- you can see the keyer board attached to the transmitter. For the base I used a board and some socketry that had previously held a Ramsey-kit Q-AMP 20.
I have it hooked up now. It is transmitting. Please see if you can hear it. Send me a report! The frequency is 28.2343 MHz. The callsign is HI7/N2CQR. I am in the Dominican Republic.
Just started listening- I hear lots of others so it's just a matter of time.
ReplyDeleteHeard here is Northern VA!
ReplyDeleteHeard a very weak "N2CQR" in there, but not the full callsign. Band changing, so we shall see...