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Monday, January 6, 2025

A Tale of Woe -- Troubleshooting my 15-10 Rig in the Dominican Republic

-- Problem first showed up as a low level oscillation in the background.  Annoying. 
-- I suspected the simple AF amp from the TJ DC RX project was oscillating.  Wasted a lot of time. 
-- Isolated the problems by cutting off all of the RF input to the SBL-1 mixer. 
-- While watching the carrier osc signal, noticed that the hum appeared as the waveform got fuzzy. 
-- I had used the osc/product detector circuit from the BITX 20. 
-- I had added an amplifier stage to get the signal to higher level. But it was poorly designed. 
-- After some struggle, I decided to rebuild the osc/mixer board. 
-- Redesigned amplifier stage using LTSpice. 
-- Changed from an SBL-1 mixer to a singly balanced mixer like in the BITX 20. 
-- This worked well.  Hum disappeared. 
-- But I had neglected to put the .001 uF cap to ground from the AF port! Thus the cartoon! 
-- This is a very important cap.  Circuit was a lot more balanced with this cap in place. 
-- Noiticed that output on 10 was only about 25 watts PEP, while on 15 it was around 100. 
-- Checked input to final amps.  Input on 10 was a lot lower.  
-- Tweaked the 10 meter bandpass filter and got the output on 10 up to about 80 watts. 
Re-Built board for carrier osc/BFO and mixer for TX and RX

1 comment:

  1. Bill, I can't tell you how valuable I find these sorts of debugging walkthroughs. I have oscillating amplifiers littering the workbench. 73 de VK3TPM


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