2024 AWA AM QSO Party
Please join us for the Antique Wireless Association's 2024 AM QSO Party on
September 28 and 29. This is an annual event for operating AM mode on the
4 hours ago
Serving the worldwide community of radio-electronic homebrewers. Providing blog support to the SolderSmoke podcast: http://soldersmoke.com
ARGO -- A QRSS Viewer by I2PHD & IK2CZLhttp://www.weaksignals.com/
Argo is program for viewing QRSS signals, i.e. very
slow CW, or DFCW signals, i.e. slow CW where dots and
dashes are of the same length, but offset in frequency
by a few Hertz, or even a fraction of an Hertz.
The name Argo is taken from that mythical ship which,
with the Argonauts on board, headed to Colchis,
in the quest for the Golden Fleece, much like the LF
Hams are in search of that fraction of dB of S/N which
will allow them to make that elusive QSO.
Here is where you can get the Argo software.
Free! And lots of other good programs
(check out Spectran):
June 8, 2008
Echo-QSO with WA6ARA!
Phoenix lands on Mars.
Beacon operations.
Adrian Weiss, W0RSP. FB QRP Author.
Need correspondent for Flea at MIT.
Understanding balanced modulators.
Dan's accident (Dan's Small Parts).
Hendricks Cap Kit.
"Hot Iron" Journal of The Constructor's Club
The Woodpecker.
MAILBAG (Return of the GONG!):
KC0PEI on "IP Telepathy"
Mark Z on a crank-up Pocket Pixie.
Ramakrishnan in Singapore.
Niels PE1OIT on Robert E. Pease.
Jerry NR5A: Cursed with Beacon Madness.
Echolink QSO with Mike, WA6ARA.
Download the SolderSmoke Podcast at