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Showing posts with label noise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label noise. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Tale of Woe from Mike WU2D, PLUS: The Importance of Band Noise

It was so cool to watch master homebrewer Mike WU2D candidly describe his error (tale of woe) made while building the Simple X Super receiver.  

It was also great to see his joy in hearing the band noise.  Watch his glee as the noise jumps up when he connects the antenna.  "That's the good stuff!"  Indeed it is.  So many younger builders see noise -- all noise -- as a bug not a feature.  Mike obviously sees it as a feature:  Thunderstorms in Brazil!  The weed-whacker down the street!  Remants of the Big Bang!  Hearing this stuff lets us know that the machine we have built is alive, and is inhaling the universe.  

Saturday, December 7, 2024

My Receiver Doesn't Work Right! What Should I Do?

An early version of our DC receiver.  Note the tuning guide under the grey tuning knob. 

We prepared this for use by the high school students who were building direct conversion receivers. Unfortunately none of them got to the point where they would use this little article, but given the fact that a number of people are now engaged in direct conversion receiver projects, I thought it would be a good idea to post this here. Also, much of this applies more generally to receiver problems. 

My receiver doesn’t work right!

What should I do?

First, relax.  You will be able to get it to work.  The design is good, people around the world have built this receiver, and you will be able to get it to work.  But homebrew radio is not plug-and-play radio.  Sometimes a new receiver needs some tweaking, peaking, and coaxing. 

Realize that the 40 meter band has its ups and downs.  The downs usually come at mid-day.  The sun’s position high in the sky causes a build up of the D layer of the ionosphere.  This tends to absorb radio waves. So signals are often weak at mid-day.  Signals will be much stronger in the morning, and in the evening.

Can you hear the “band noise” when you connect your antenna?   This sounds like hiss or static.  Some of this is the result of thunderstorms in Brazil.  Some of it is from events far away in the cosmos. Some of it comes from the weed whacker down the block!  But if you can hear this noise, that is a very good sign that your receiver is working.  The signals you are looking for will be stronger than this band noise.

Where are you tuning?  Your receiver tunes from about 6.8 MHz (with the screw all the way our) to about 7.8 MHz (screw all the way in).  But we are only really interested in the ham frequency band between 7.0 MHz and 7.3 MHz.  Try to tune your receiver near the middle of the tuning range (with the screw about half-way in).  You should hear morse code from about 7.0 to 7.06 MHz.  Then you should hear strong digital signals at 7.074 MHz.  Tuning further up (screw going in) you should start to hear hams speaking to each other using Single Sideband.   At first they will sound like Donald Duck.

 Don’t worry about the Donald Duck speech!  Just carefully tune through the signal until you hit the spot where the speech sounds normal.  You may have to tune up and down a bit until you find the right spot.  Now you can listen. 

 If you tune further up you will hear Shortwave Broadcast band AM signals.  You will be able to tune them in.  Sort of.  But they will sound distorted.  This is unavoidable with this kind of receiver.  But you will be able to hear the hams on Single Sideband with no distortion.

Sometimes you will only hear one side of the conversation.  That is normal.  The other station may be either too far away from you, or too close to you.  You may be outside his or her skip zone.

One very obvious thing to check:  How is your battery?  Is it drained, or is it still at about 9 volts?   You may need to change it.

How is your antenna?   It doesn’t have to be fancy or elaborate.   33 feet of wire will do.  But it does need to be up in the air a bit.  And you need to have the 33 foot counterpoise wire connected to the ground (on the PC board).  With many pieces of consumer electronics antennas are kind of optional – the devices will often work without them.  Not so with ham gear.  Antennas are important.  If you are not receiving signals,  it may be because of your antenna.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Charlie Brown LIKES Static (with ITU paper on radio noise)

Because when he connects the antenna, it lets him know if he has enough amplification to hear the band noise.  He realizes that his radio receiver is not an I-phone, and that "static" is a feature, not a bug. FB Charlie Brown! 

Mike WN2A points to a 2022 ITU report on radio noise.  This report provides a LOT of information on noise (give it a few minutes to download!) and goes a long way toward explaining the usefulness of noise.

Here is the introduction. 

The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that radio noise sets a limit to the performance of radio systems; b) that the effective antenna noise figure, or antenna noise temperature, together with the amplitude probability distribution of the received noise envelope, are suitable parameters (almost always necessary, but sometimes not sufficient) for use in system performance analysis and design; c) that knowledge of radio emission from natural sources is required in: – evaluation of the effects of the atmosphere on radiowaves; – allocation of frequencies to remote sensing of the Earth’s environment; d) that radio noise from man-made sources is significant in setting the limit for some radio applications; e) methods for measurements of radio noise are given in Recommendation ITU-R SM.1753; f) methods for indoor noise environment measurements are given in Recommendation ITU-R SM.2093, recommends that the following information on the background levels of external radio noise should be used where appropriate in radio system design and analysis: 

Designer: Douglas Bowman | Dimodifikasi oleh Abdul Munir Original Posting Rounders 3 Column