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Showing posts with label Keyser -- Ian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keyser -- Ian. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Steve G0FUW talks Homebrew and Kits with Charlie NJ7V

Our homebrew direct-conversion receiver challenge (see below) has led to a discussion of the differences between homebrew and kits.  Our intent in designing this rig was to come up with something that was simple enough to actually homebrew (that is the challenge:  homebrew it!) .  Building it from a kit would be something different.  I like the way Charlie and Steve talk about the differences between homebrew and kits in this video.  Around 33:49 Charlie mentions that after a while you just get good at building kits.   Steve points out that building kits is a bit like "painting by numbers" (a great metaphor).  Steve then goes on to talk about the formation in G-QRP of the "scratch-built group." Steve tells us that he has built some 84 radios.  Steve talks about "the joy of building it yourself" (43:49)

Steve gives a very kind shout out to SolderSmoke at around 23:58.    The references to Tony G4WIF and Ian G3ROO were also very nice. And there are many great mentions of Pete Juliano N6QW. 

And remember:  If you are not a member of G-QRP you are just wrong!  Join here:  https://www.gqrp.com/join.htm 

Thanks Charlie and thanks Steve! 


November 13, 2024

Bill's appearance on the Ham Radio Workbench.  (Bill made some overly harsh comments about radio rejuvenation, and was trying to make amends.)  But now we throw down the gauntlet.  WE CHALLENGE the HRWB guys to build -- to homebrew - our TJ DC RX.  They will experience JOO, JVO and the elite status that comes with having built their own ham radio receiver.  And if they go on to build a 10 minute transmitter, they can use it for CW contacts.  Like on POTA (Thomas!)

December 13, 2024: 

Bill was on Ham Radio Workbench: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/11/bill-n2cqr-appears-as-guest-on-ham.html  Our challenge to HRWB.  Gauntlet thrown down... OUR CHALLENGE HAS BEEN GRACIOUSLY ACCEPTED!     We now extend the challenge to the entire SolderSmoke community: Build one of these:  https://hackaday.io/project/190327-high-schoolers-build-a-radio-receiver

Homebrewing is not for the faint of heart!  Accept the challenge!  Build stuff! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Ian Keyser G3ROO and Spy Radios

Above is a recent ICQ podcast interview with Ian. 

This sojoun into spy land started with this WTF video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f3ZJYdmpZw

Crypto Museum explains what the Mk 301 was all about:  https://www.cryptomuseum.com/spy/mk301/index.htm

 I have had Ian on the SolderSmoke blog several times: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/search?q=%22Ian+Keyser%22

N2CQR at the key with a G3ROO paraset

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Spy Rigs, Para Sets, Bugs, and Enigma Machines -- Dr. Tom Perera W1TP (video)

This is a really amazing presentation by Tom Perera W1TP to the Fairlawn (NJ) Amateur Radio Club. 

There is so much great info in this presentation.  Some of the highlights for me: 

-- The U.S. Civil War telegraphic (wired) spy set was just mind blowing.  I had never heard of this.  

-- The way the Nazis transmitted a signal 1 kc off the BBC frequency, so that Germans who tuned their Nazi-issued receivers to the BBC could be detected by neighbors (from the resulting 1 kc tone!) and turned in to the Gestapo.  

-- "Things don't land gently when dropped by parachute." Indeed.  This was a reminder of the courage of the young women who parachuted into Nazi-held territory during WWII.  Like Paulette.  It was great to see her with her Paratrooper wings on.  AIRBORNE!  And the picture of the operator with the bicycle generator was of Virginia Hall.  See: https://www.npr.org/2019/04/18/711356336/a-woman-of-no-importance-finally-gets-her-due  That portrait hangs in the hallway of the National War College. 

-- How they put the schematic of the PRC-5 right into the box.  Great idea.  But it had a terrible receiver.  One of the schematics showed a 455 kc IF and a BFO.  So they sent in superhets, not just regens. 

N2CQR operating the Para Set of G3ROO around 2009

This video makes me want to build a Para Set. 

Thanks a lot to Tom W1TP and the Fairlawn ARC. 

Saturday, January 5, 2019

The AL7RV (W8NSA) Paraset, Regens, Test Gear, and Schematics Varnished into Enclosures

Jim W8NSA ex AL7RV is an old friend and a really talented radio builder.  Over the years he has sent me many boxes of very FB radio parts.  I'm sure that almost all of my homebrew rigs have parts from Jim somewhere in the circuitry.  Jim recently sent in an update on his radio building efforts. 


I managed to cobble up some regen's over the summer.  Most fun was my version of Dave Richards, AA7EE  Sproutie, it turned out so nice I have it on my bedside table. Yes, the Sproutie has displaced the trusty old Transoceanic, brings back memories of late night SWL'ing with my Space Spanner as a teen.  
The Sproutie worked well enough I'm considering a build of the Dave's Sproutie MK II, maybe not in such a grand cabinet or with such fine metal work as Dave's but a functional copy.

I also built the regen receiver from the SOE Paraset design, other then a coil winding mistake the receiver worked well at power up. 

I built the Paraset receiver to test a number of mods others have suggested to improve the receiver's performance.  Using the mods involves modern solid-state components and additional band-spread functionally. Many consider the mods be in poor taste but they go well making a much better receiver.
I am ready to build my copy/version of the Paraset, now that I've missed SKN I have almost a year to get it built.
I've been gathering Paraset parts for years, was lucky to get in on the group purchase for a set of 3 Paraset knobs made from the same molds by the same company SOE used when building the transceivers in the 1940's, having a real part of that history is exciting, to me at least. 
Paraset Parts (see picture above)  (some parts shown may not be in the proper location)

At last I have all the major components.  I am at the point of gathering up the various resistors and small fixed capacitors needed. Some builders have gone to the efforts of embedding newer, smaller, parts in the carcass of vintage 1930s & 40s parts hollowed out and repainted.  Too much effort for me, I want a functional radio, not a museum grade replica, but I really do want to keep the look of the SOE issued set.

Case and front panel...
Many of the U.S. Paraset builders are using a wooden craft box from Hobby Lobby, It is just about the correct size and shape.  You can see at the right side of the photo a detailed panel layout.  Building the Paraset is not quite Heath Kit but with so many talented builders having made so much information available I feel so lucky to follow the effort. 

Years ago, during our RV travel days, I picked up a box of Bliley AX2 40 meter crystals.  Good price and just about every one of the crystals were found to be working.  Have a total of eighteen 40m crystals from 7.0024Mhz to 7.0986Mhz, have two 80m crystals in the CW portion but none of the AX2 crystals are for the traditional QRP frequencies, close but...   AF4K and others are selling HC49 crystals for the QRP frequencies, problem is the 6L6/6V6's used in the Paraset are known to be real crystal crackers.. (as was my 1964 novice rig!). 

I'm considering the use of a transistor oscillator and driver stage to feed the 6L6 as a PA in effort to save the crystals and maybe allow the use of an outboard DDS VFO, yes I can hear the moans of dismay from other Paraset replica builders
The box included a number of sockets and crystal adapters too.  Was great find. Having so may 40m crystals I'm starting to have thoughts of optimizing the Paraset build for just 40 meters. I can improve the sets performance but of course lose 80m and possibly 60m.

Today's project while catching up on SolderSmoke Podcasts is a test device to aid in checking the resonant frequency of L/C networks. It's always nice to prove your math is correct! 
Building it Manhattan style into an old rat shack plastic box.

I have always loved the way WW II equipment had the schematics varnished into the covers or cases.  I try to do the same with most of the things I build.
Schematic reduced to fit, ink-jet printed. Using an old credit card I spread a very thin layer of E6000 clear adhesive on the case, apply the paper image, then using a clean credit card or the edge of piece of circuit board feather the schematic into the adhesive. 

Let dry for about 10 mins, wipe off the excess glue around the edges.  Let dry for 24  to 48 hours and cover with a few thin coats of Testors Clear Lacquer Overcoat.. several thin coats, follow the recommendations for re-coat time on the spay your using.

Please read the cautions for using E6000.  Pete may not be able to purchase it in his state!
The Paraset antenna output connections use a porcelain crystal socket, the AX2 crystal purchase included a few dead or empty crystal cases, I modified two of them to use as adapters.  

OH! and yes, I'll be using outboard low pass filters with the Paraset! 

Thanks again to you and Pete for the blog and smoke efforts!

73,  Jim W8NSA aka AL7RV

Monday, October 22, 2018

Ian Keyser G3ROO on UK TV with his Spy Set Rigs (video)

Me at the keyof one of Ian's spy sets -- ten years ago?
Check out this nice UK TV report on Ian G3ROO and his spy set radios: 


And here is Tony Fishpool's report on their excellent adventure at Friedricshaffen Hamfest 2018. 


Here are some of the SolderSmoke blog posts on the activities of Ian and the Dover Constructors Club. 


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Wonderful "QSO Today" Interview with Ian Keyser G3ROO


I knew it was going to be a good Sunday morning in the shack when I saw that Eric 4Z1UG had posted an interview with Ian Keyser G3ROO.   This wonderful interview brought back memories of my visit to G3ROO's amazing facility in Dover.  (Thanks to Tony Fishpool who brought me out there.)

In this interview, you will hear Ian state -- in a very nonchalant English way -- that he built his first receiver at age 8.  And I really loved the story of how Ian got his call sign.  FB Ian.  

Ian is a very prominent member of the G-QRP club.  I was oddly relieved to learn that he is working on a LEGAL LIMIT LINEAR AMPLIFIER.  I hope he has special dispensation from Rev. George Dobbs.  I intend to cite this project if we ever have to defend Pete Juliano from charges of QROism.

Listen to the interview here:

That is a key designed for use aboard a hydrogen balloon.  This is the kind of thing that Ian has in his shack.
This is Ian's variometer -- mentioned in the interview.

That's me using one of  Ian's spy sets. 

Ian's antenna book:

Here are the SolderSmoke Daily News posts about Ian and the Dover Construction Club:

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