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Thursday, January 30, 2025
Diode Ring VFO Part II: How Much LO into a Diode Ring?
Sunday, January 26, 2025
SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Challenge The Mixer and Diplexer
SolderSmoke Challenge – Direct Conversion Receiver – the Mixer
The mixer is the heart of the direct conversion receiver. It’s the circuit that makes a receiver a receiver. It takes the RF from the antenna and mixes it with the local oscillator to extract the audio. In this video, Dean, KK4DAS walks us through the design, build and testing of the double balanced diode ring mixer we chose for the SolderSmoke Challenge DCR. He also explores some of the myths, legends, and lore around mixer design. If you are not yet convinced, we can make an effective receiver with just four simple boards you definitely want to watch this vido to the end. Mixers have been a passion (some say obsession) of mine for a long time. If you search for “mixer” on the SolderSmoke blog you will find many postings over the years. Whenever I want to learn more about some RF circuit or other I always turn to Alan Wolke, W2AEW’s excellent YouTube video series. In the video linked below Alan does an excellent job of explaining mixer theory and demonstrating how the switching action of the diodes produces the sum and difference frequencies.
Related links:
Alan Wolke, W2AEW - YouTube Video #167:
How a Diode Ring Mixer works | Mixer operation theory and measurement
SolderSmoke Blog on Mixers:
Join the discussion - SolderSmoke Discord Server:
Documentation on Hackaday:
SolderSmoke YouTube channel:
SolderSmoke blog DCR posts:
Monday, March 11, 2024
Radio Items Picked-up at VWS Winterfest 2024 Hamfest
-- Behind the MXM there is a nice box marked "Diode Detector" I opened it up and there is just a solid state diode and a 50 ohm resistor to ground. Box may be useful.
-- I got a couple of books: "Weekend Projects" 1979 from ARRL, and "A History of QST -- Volume 1 Amateur Radio Technology 1915 - 2013" 2013 from ARRL.
-- On top of the Weekend Projects book you see a "Crystal Holder" from Gross Radio of New York City. W1UJR has some good history on this company: https://w1ujr.com/written-word/gross-radio-company-circa-1931/ This device seem to be intended to hold in place a raw piece of quartz! Cool.
-- To the right of the books there is a serious-looking VFO. One dollar! Deal! It is a CB VFO, but the markings say it puts out 5.44 to 5.99 MHz. So it should be useful. The dual speed dial is very nice.
-- Above the VFO is a nice step attenuator from the "Arrow Antenna" company of Loveland Colorado.
-- Further to the right are some Electric Radio and Antique Wireless Association magazines that Armand WA1UQO gave me. Really nice. The AWA mags have a very thoughtful piece (warts and all) on Jean Shepherd. And the ER pile has an article by Scott WA9WFA that mentions my work on the Mate for the Mighty Midget receiver. Thanks again Armand!
-- I also got some ADE6+ surface mount mixers. The price was right!
Thanks to VWS for putting on this great hamfest!
Monday, October 16, 2023
Does Matching Matter? (Diode Matching for Diode Ring Mixers) -- Nick M0NTV Finds the Answer (Video)
Friday, June 23, 2023
Part III: Curious Marc Repairs an All-Discrete Freq Counter: DO NOT ATTEMPT REPAIR OF CAVITY RESONATOR
I love all the "DO NOT ATTEMPT" warnings. Wow, even HP got so skittish about this stuff. Marc has a great sense of humor and notes that, "no cavity resonators were harmed in the production of this video." I like the description of the mixers and the photo of the mixer antennas.