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Showing posts with label Virginia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virginia. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Heard on the Old Military Radio Net: W4SVA


So there I was, early Saturday morning (earlier here -- we are one hour ahead of the East Coast) listening -- as I do -- to the Old Military Radio net.  3385 kHz  AM. I use the K3FEF Web SDR in Pennsylvania.  I heard a station that sounded familiar: Chris W4SVA.  He said he was in the Shenandoah valley and was receiving on an R-390A and transmitting with a homebrew rig.  I kind of remembered talking to a guy with a station like that.  I searched through the SolderSmoke blog.  No joy.  Then I remembered it was probably a log entry.  There he is, W4SVA.  Here is his QRZ page:  https://www.qrz.com/db/W4SVA  I was almost certainly on the K2ZA DX-100.  

Here's my log entry:  


12 August 2018

75AM W4SVA Chris in the Shenandoah, 15 miles south of Harrisonburg.  Very FB.  AM guy.  Building rack-mount rig.  Lots of HB stuff.  Sent him the Shenandoah rocket pictures.


I also heard Buzz W3EMD from the Hudson Valley -- the dynamotor was clearly audible. FB Buzz. 

Thanks Chris. And thanks again to John Zaruba for the DX-100.

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