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Showing posts with label antennas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antennas. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Mr. Carlson Restores a BC-348 -- But 40 Meters Sounds Very Weak. Why?

Mr. Carlson mentions that he is a ham radio AMer.  He is also on SSB, but AM is, he says, his preferred mode.  FB. 

I got a real chuckle about the MVC switch position on the front panel.  "Manual Volume Control"  like "Manual Gain Control."  I thought I had invented this term.  You know, "real hams control their gain manually."  This is why Farhan never put AGC in the BITX20. But it seems the Army Air Corps was way ahead of me with the BC-348.    

Mr. Carlson makes it sound (!) like the Dynamotors are a thing of the past.  Not true.  Every Saturday morning I listen to the Old Miltary Radio Net and hear a number of Dynamoters spinning in the background.  One belongs to Buzz W3EMB who uses a BC-348.  Buzz has an SDR attached to the IF of his BC-348, which I think is an admirable mix of the old and the new.  Those BC-348s are, after all, quite old.  WWII old -- like 85 years old.  And still working.  

Paul has a good discussion of the importance of short lead length, and of mounting shielded capacitors properly, and of the usefullness of a good groundplane under the capacitor.  Go Manhattan boards!  Paul's presentation on how to identify the outside foil of a capacitor was very good, but I was wondering if you could also find out by using a file to remove some of the yellow insulation, then test with a DMM to see which terminal is connected to the foil. 

"Lots of times you have to add solder to remove solder."  Indeed. 

The importance of testing for BOTH capacitance and leakage.  Yes. 

But why bother with "period correct" internal wiring harnesses, when you have already put a bunch of modern caps in there?   I mean, I'm in favor of the re-capping, but this seems inconsistent with the need for "period correct" internal wiring harnesses. 

When Paul first fired up the receiver, I was hoping he would disconnect the antenna to see how much band noise was getting through. 

When Paul got to the IF alignment, he spoke of the dangers of working on energized high-voltage gear.  I had been thinking about getting a BC-348 myelf, but Paul's comments reminded me of why this is probably not a good idea for me.  Paul's comments about "knowing where your hands are" is on target.  "One hand behind the back, " is a good rule for this kind of energized testing -- this will help prevent current from a mishap from flowing through your chest.  

I may have more comments later.  Off to the beach now.  

Back from the beach:   

"Contrary to popular belief, the simpler the receiver, the better they hear."  Amen Mr. C. 

Paul's heroic cleaning of the 915 kc crystal made me feel like a wimp for not having tried to do this with some "bad" 455 kc rocks I was given while trying to build the Mate for the Mighty Midget receiver.  I may go back to those crystals and try to clean them as Mr. C did. 

The grand finale of this 2.5 hour video was, as expected, a demonstration of how good it sounds.  But unfortunately it did not sound good.  Paul tuned through the 40 meter band and I heard NO CW signals.  I didn't even hear FT8.   There were a few anemic SSB signals and, as he reached the upper portion of the band some very weak AM broadcast signals.  I didn't even hear CHU Canada's time signal.  Huh?  Why?   Our very simple homebrew Direct Conversion receiver sounds a LOT better than that.  I mean look at the sweep of 40 meters that I did using only a simple dipole:  https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/12/an-evening-bandscan-on-40-meters-using.html  Why is there such a big difference in performance? 

Could it be the antenna that Paul was using?   He was on what he calls the 369 antenna.   Could there be a problem in the receiver?  Could it be band conditions?   

Friday, January 31, 2025

Radio Antenna Fundamentals Part 1 -- 1947 USAF Film

Lots of good info in this 1947 film.  But... At the end they say that an impedance mismatch between the line and the antenna will result in the loss of radiated power.  Is that really true?  This seems to lead to the obsession that many hams have with an SWR of 1:1.  If some power is reflected due to the mismatch, where does that power go?  And what if you put a transmatch at the junction of the transmitter and, say, an open wire feedline.  You could match the antenna system perfectly to the 50 ohms that your transmitter is looking for.  But the mismatch between antenna and feedline would remain, right?   

Sunday, December 22, 2024

SolderSmoke Shack South -- with Mythbuster II and AN762 .1 kW Linear

This is the current operating table at HI7/N2CQR.   

The box up on top is my Mythbuster II -- like the original Mythbuster, but without the circuitry for 75 meters. Below it is the 15-10 I rig with dial from Pericles HI8P (SK). 

The shiny box with the heatsink is my new AN762 .1 kW linear from CCI. Most of this amp was assembled in Virginia, but I did the relay work and "socketry" here in the DR.  It seems to work fine.  I use it with the little box to its right which houses the Low pass filter board from a Ten-Tec Delta (Pete advised me to buy this back in October 2023). 

Out on the terrace in the upper right you can see the bottom of the 16 foot fishing pole that is holding up my 20-15 1/4 wave groundplane antenna.  I have already crossed the pond many times with this combination. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

KE5HPY's Altoids Direct-Conversion Receiver for 40 Meters

Click on the image for a much clearer view.

It is a thing of beauty.  You can see all four stages in there.  There is the Bandpass Filter in the upper left.  Below that is the VFO.  In the center you can see the SBL-1 mixer. Off to the right is the audio amplifier.  FB Chuck! 

Chuck KE5HPY writes: 

Allow me to add an endorsement of the joy and practicality of the DC receiver. Whether XTO, VFO or DDS, ring diode mixer, or Polykov, the DC IF concept is a real winner.  They really deliver wonderful audio and clarity that is very satisfying for homebrew builder.

Thought you might enjoy these photos of a 40 m receiver and built 10 or so years ago.  The design is straight out of EMRFD.  At that time, the Altoid tin craze was in full swing and this is one of several projects I stuffed in a tin.  This compact receiver has traveled on lots of camping and kayak trips where it delivered good DX reception using only a 30 foot piece of wire for antenna running back to the tent. It’s fun to hear intercontinental QSOs when you’re in the middle of nowhere. With my 40 m dipole attached at home, I think this little rig can hear anything my Icom hears.  

It’s great that you’re promoting this practical technology. Keep up the good work.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

SolderSmoke #254 (Audio and Video Versions): Australian Hex Beam Eaters, Fake Wires, Hybrid Rig, Antennas, Mythbuster II Transceiver, Mailbag

Hex Beam Eater

November 13, 2024

SolderSmoke Podcast #254 is available: 

Audio Version here:  http://soldersmoke.com/soldersmoke254.mp3

Video Version here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiZwWY1CQgI

Opening:  Disturbing news from Australia!  VK5RS reports that his Hex beam was EATEN by Cockatoos!  So stop whining about your HOA problems, OK?  It could be much worse! 

FAKE WIRES FROM CHINA!  Oh no!  Even the wires?  There is a good video from Mattias.  I have it on the SolderSmoke blog.  https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/11/clip-leads-made-with-fake-wire-buy-good.html  Important to note that Parts Candy doen't have this problem.  Buy your test clip leads from our sponsor, Parts Candy.  Link in the column on the right or go to partscandy (that's one word).com

Bill's appearance on the Ham Radio Workbench.  (Bill made some overly harsh comments about radio rejuvenation, and was trying to make amends.)  But now we throw down the gauntlet.  WE CHALLENGE the HRWB guys to build -- to homebrew - our TJ DC RX.  They will experience JOO, JVO and the elite status that comes with having built their own ham radio receiver.  And if they go on to build a 10 minute transmitter, they can use it for CW contacts.  Like on POTA (Thomas!) 

Anniversary approaching:  In August 2025 we will mark 20 years of the SolderSmoke podcast.  And we have already passed TEN YEARS OF JULIANISMO!  Pete joined the podcast on May 26, 2013.  Thanks Pete! 

Question for the group:   Which SSB transceivers did Doug DeMaw build?  

Pete's Bench:  Thermatron-Transistor Hybrid Goodness.  https://n6qw.blogspot.com/2024/10/blog-post_20.html

Dean's Bench:  The new Hex Beam (watch out for Cockatoos!)  Now that Dean and I both have Hex Beams, we plan on pointing them at Southern California in an effort to talk to an elusive RADIO GENIUS. Stay tuned! 

Dean's Hex Beam -- A Thing of Beauty

Also homebrew random wire with T match tuner for attic.  RF Burns!  

SHAMELESS COMMERCE:   Please link to our blog and podcast!   Please become a Patreon supporter (I have been posting special content there).  Be sure to make use of the great boards, parts and kits available at Mostly DIY RF.   Still use the Amazon link on the SolderSmoke blog page. 

Bill's Bench: The new Mythbuster II (20 meters only).  Built in about 3 weeks. On-the-air, while still on the bench!  Worked Euope and South Africa QRP.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o9QerQ7jzg

Getting another CCI amp for the Dominican Republic. 


-- Paul VK3HN,  talks about the nice sound of the Mythbuster II's receiver, and a new QRP rig from Dave Benson K1SWL. 

-- Rick N3FJZ sent some very kind words in support of the SolderSmoke podcast. Thanks Rick. 

-- Chris KD4PBJ sent us a very nice message.  Thanks Chris. 

-- Kevin from Belgium sent a nice blog post in support of SolderSmoke. 

-- John WB4BTL spotted his old call (from 1974) in my Novice Log.  

-- Dave KD2E spotted his Novice call in  my Novice log WN2TBB. He also  saw a good friend WN2EHE. 

-- Mehmet who has the awesome and useful WEBSDR of NA5B helped me with a Facebook problem.  Thanks Mehmet! 

-- Mike WN2A asked about the Yaesu FT-101 9 MHz VFOs. 

-- Phil W1PJE (from MIT!) writes about old broadcast radio shows. And some really nice words of encouragement. 

-- Grayson KJ7UM sent kind words of encouragement, and great background on hybrid rigs. 

-- Peter VK3TPM writes about the decline of blogging, but notes that blogs are useful repositories. 

-- Todd K7TFC sent me some additional Mostly DIY RF boards.  Thanks Todd! 

-- Ed DD5LP/G8GLM  Kind words on SolderSmoke, nice info on the G-QRP 50th edition. 

-- Bill AH6FC  Encouraging words and good info on solar.  Mahalo Bill!  

-- Michael AG5VG Building LC VFOs for 7 MHz.  FB OM!

-- Bob K7ZB An EE who likes the treatment of mixers in the SolderSmoke book.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Two Great (but Old) Videos about Waves

I've had both of these videos on the SolderSmoke blog already, but an e-mail from Farhan reminded me how good they both are. If you are averse to older material you might not want to watch -- but you would be missing out on some wisdom.  


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Some Pictures of SolderSmoke Shack South

That's me at the operating position.   Window looks out to the terrace and to the ocean to the East, the  Mona channel.  The shack is on the top (seventh) floor. 

Here is the view from the terrace, looking South.  The big terrain feature is Cabo San Rafael. 

From the terrace looking North. 

Looking East into the morning sun 

From the terrace looking West. 

Antennas will go up there.  Perhaps solar panels too.  

A bog portion of the shack is a workbench with tools and test gear.  

Yesterday an old friend from Santo Domingo, Luis Ernesto HI8LEZ stopped by.  Thirty years ago we were pioneers in the use of amateur radio satellites from the Dominican Republic.  Luis Ernesto is in the book! 

Monday, July 15, 2024

15/10 SSB Rig On-The-Air from HI7

I'm going to move the antenna up onto the roof (out of sight). 


Monday, June 17, 2024

1,280 Antennas at 12 GHz -- How Starlink Works

One commenter questioned why we went with the more expensive Starlink system.  The simple answer is that it is just better, faster, and more reliable than the alternatives.  Many people here are clamoring for this sytem, and they are doing this for a reason.  On speed tests I am showing downloads of about 150 Mbps.  That is fast.  The truth is that my wife is more of an innovator than I am -- she was the one who decided on Starlink.  

When we were installing this system, I didn't even know what they meant by "Dishy."  I didn't know there were motors in the antenna.  And I certainly didn't know about the complicated software and hardware that allow the Dishy antenna to track the Starlink low earth orbit satellites without the use of the motors.   The above video explains it all very well.  

This is all a great demonstration of what can be done with digital technology, microchips, software and UHF. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Helge SM/LA6NCA Activates Colorburst Liberation Army in Sweden!

FB Helge.   This is really cool.  I didn't realize until I saw the schematic at the end that he was on 3579 kHz -- that is the old color-burst frequency, and now the frequency of the Color-burst Liberation Army. 

It was challenging to do this without sidetone.  But there appears to be a bit of room left in the matchbox -- could he squeeze in a few more components for a rudimentay sidetone?  Maybe just a piezo buzzer across the key? 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

KE5HPY Builds a QRP Transmitter


FB Chuck, very cool.  Please send us more reports on this rig.  
Chuck has been on the blog many times, with many projects: 
73  Bill 



Thought you would appreciate a recent project inspired by the fabulous EMRFD.  This started as a test bed W7ZOI universal tx to evaluate my stock of RF BJTs and employ some FT-243s in the shack.  That was interesting by itself but the 16-32 dBm output (choice of device really matters!) did not reach the intended targets using my 40m dipole.  So, add a W7EL RF PA and a nifty, clean 7W emerges after damping output from Q2.  The final is pleasantly efficient and needs only a modest heatsink to survive key down for 60 seconds.  KFS then reported S7-9.  Success.  Time to box it up and go XTO, add a meter output at 30dB down and an RF driven LED indicator.  Left room to add an ATtiny85 CQ keyer but ran out of time.  Had to move house and knock down my 40-6m antennas.  That was the most painful part of moving.  So this rig sits while I find a new place to hang antennas.  Eventually, the TX will get a RX mate when it is possible to box up a 40m DC RX with Si5751 and OLED display. Am still trying to solve how to mount an OLED display cleanly in an aluminum box. First, I have to reconstruct my workbench.


Keep up your good work, and that is no April Fool’s joke. 




Chuck KE5HPY

Friday, April 19, 2024

Deep Space Station 43 -- Canberra, Australia



From the IEEE article: 

The dish’s manufacturer took great pains to ensure that its surface had no bumps or rough spots. The smoother the dish surface, the better it is at focusing incident waves onto the signal detector so there’s a higher signal-to-noise ratio.

DSS-43 boasts a pointing accuracy of 0.005 degrees (18 arc seconds)—which is important for ensuring that it is pointed directly at the receiver on a distant spacecraft. Voyager 2 broadcasts using a 23-watt radio. But by the time the signals traverse the multibillion-kilometer distance from the heliopause to Earth, their power has faded to a level 20 billion times weaker than what is needed to run a digital watch. Capturing every bit of the incident signals is crucial to gathering useful information from the transmissions.

The antenna has a transmitter capable of 400 kilowatts, with a beam width of 0.0038 degrees. Without the 1987 upgrade, signals sent from DSS-43 to a spacecraft venturing outside the solar system likely never would reach their target.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Ferdy HB9DSP's 5 band Moxon -- The Moxhorn!

Click on the image for a clearer view

Wow, I couldn't even build a 2 band Moxon, but Ferdy has built a 5 band version.  He told me that he had to tweak the elements a lot to get acceptable SWR's on all the bands.  20 and 17 are especially tough, because they are so close in frequency.  

More info on his great QRZ page: https://www.qrz.com/db/HB9DSP

Thanks Ferdy! 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

SOTA Antennas -- FREE Antenna Modelling Software


Ed DD5LP writes: 

Hi Bill,
 Given that the audience of SolderSmoke is more angled towards home brew and self construction, I wonder if you would mind informing your listeners of a very valuable antenna design website that despite the high level of quality work put in, is not getting very many visitors and may therefore be taken down.

Access to the site is free and the URL is sota-antennas.com.

Despite SOTA being part of the name this is of use for all portable operators and indeed home stations as well. It is a series of online tools that not only defines wire lengths for building but also gives EZ-NEC like diagrams of the expected radiation patterns.
My favourite little jewel is in the off-centre-fed dipole section where the positioning of the feed-point is varied automatically to show you the bands the antenna will resonate on. So as an Example a 40m OCFD with a feed-point at 33/66% will not resonate on 15m however one with the feed-point located somewhere near 18/82% will.

The website currently supports Linked-Dipoles, Off Centre Fed Dipoles, End Fed Half Waves, Delta Loops, Half Squares and Moxon antennas. It could be extended to support others but that is unlikely if the current site is not used more.

Thanks Bill!
73 Ed DD5LP

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Voyager, Canopus, JPL, and 74xx Logic Chips from the early 1970s

"So somewhere out there in interstellar space beyond the boundary of the Solar System is a card frame full of 74 logic that’s been quietly keeping an eye on a star since the early 1970s, and the engineers from those far-off days at JPL are about to save the bacon of the current generation at NASA with their work. We hope that there are some old guys in Pasadena right now with a spring in their step."


Saturday, May 13, 2023

Jam on Radar Antenna of Jupiter-bound Spacecraft FIXED! Antenna deployed!

Great news. This stuck antenna was getting me down.  Three cheers for the ESA folks who fixed it from afar.  


Here is how they did it: 


The RIME antenna looks a bit like one of my dipoles! But it can look 9 km into the ice. 

And what a great name:  Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer.  Juice. 

Godspeed JUICE!  

Friday, May 5, 2023

SolderSmoke Podcast #246: PeteGPT! DC RX, Si5351, Franklin osc, Cuban DSB, Hex beams, uBITX mods, DX, 10 meters, MAILBAG


SolderSmoke Podcast #246 is available: 

AUDIO PODCAST: http://soldersmoke.com/soldersmoke246.mp3

YouTube VIDEO: (247) SolderSmoke Podcast #246: uBITX, Hex Beam, DX, High School DC RX, 10 meter SSB Rig, MAILBAG - YouTube

The AI Deep Fake Threat!  PeteGPT!

Hearing Aid info:  I can hear the cymbals in my audiogram adjusted Airpods.

Update on the TJ DC RX project – Several receivers working! https://hackaday.io/project/190327-high-schoolers-build-a-radio-receiver

Sunil’s company provides Nano/Si5351 combos.  With the KD8CEC software. Very cool.  http://amateurradiokits.in They have a new SSB dual band transceiver – the Airpal.

Mark AJ6CU helping me. Sent me Nanos with KD8CEC software. His uBITX Settings Editor seems very cool. https://github.com/AJ6CU/uBITX-Settings-Editor/releases/tag/V2-beta-1  Thanks Mark.  

Franklin Oscillators. 

Cuban Islander and Jaguey info.  Send more!

Fixing up uBITX 2   How Bill blew up TWO Raduino Nanos. My results with the KB1GMX mods. (see below)

Hex Beam work:  Adding 10 and 15 meter elements.  But now I can hear AM breakthrough from WFAX 1220 AM  (5 kW during the day),  So I made a high pass filter.

Made first contacts on 15 and 10:  Argentina, Brazil, Dominican Republic.

First contacts with both India VU3TPW and China BA4TB.  SSB homebrew.

sBITX news. Taking orders!

Pete’s 10 Meter SSB Project


--Wes W7ZOI provided great info and analysis on the Franklin oscillator. And lots of great tech info on other topics: http://w7zoi.net/oldtech/ponder.html Thanks Wes!
--Lex PH2LB. uBITX mods. TO-18 Heatsinks. New stickers (see above).
--Kostos SV3ORA and Hans G0UPL about the Franklin Oscillator.
--Listening to HRWB 178: Great stuff, many old friends: George KJ6VU moved to Oregon. Thomas K4SWL on the show.  Ben, an old friend of Pete’s,  mentions John Zaruba K2ZA – the guy who gave me the DX-100. Wonderful connections.
--Thanks to Todd VE7BPO for sending me another AADE LC meter. I need it for the SSSS.
--Nick MONTV planning a 15/10 meter dualband SSB rig. Me too! See video.
--Trevor Woods in W. Australia – The portrait in Artie Moore’s shack. Chuck WB9KZY – Willam Ramsay
--LA6NCA Helge three tube RX. Regen or DC? Mike Masterson WN2A and I discuss.
--Mike WU2D video on Retro QRP rigs – Steve G0FUW discusses Severn rig long in the works –started 1983 and nearly finished!
--Tim Hunkin of Secret Life fame did video with speaker made from potato ship bag. Discussed with Tony G4WIF and others. Also, Tim has an amazing video on cutting holes in metal. On the SolderSmoke blog.
--Bob Crane W8SX will be covering FDIM for SolderSmoke!
--Glen VE3DNL working on a more sophisticated DC RX.
--Craig KC2LFI from the beach on Grand Cayman. FB.
--Steve EI5DD reports We have changed our name - The May Issue of the HAM RADIO IRELAND Magazine, Ireland’s only independent magazine for the Radio Experimenter: https://docdro.id/SHH0VEy
--Mike EI0CL on 15 meters with Dean KK4DAS. FB
--Howard N3FEL of the Penn Wireless Association wants to do a group build of a DC RX.
--Martin LW9DTR in Buenos Aires looking for help with the code for an AD9850
--Todd K7TFC – always helping other homebrewers.
--Really thoughtful message from Kevin WN7Z


My KB1GMX mods to uBITX 2

Thursday, March 30, 2023

An Antenna for the High-School Direct Conversion Receiver (and Next Steps in the Project)

We have reached the point where we have to decide on an antenna for the high-school direct conversion receiver.  It needs to be simple and easy.  It needs to be something that students can easily install from a bedroom window in an apartment or a town house.  

We thought about an End Fed Half Wave, but 66 feet of wire seemed to be too much, and the EFHW would require both coax and the construction of a transformer.  That seemed like too much. 

So here is what happens with just 33 feet of wire (1/4 wave on 40 meters), with another 33 feet as a counterpoise.  I found that the counterpoise worked just as well spread out on the bedroom floor as it did hanging out the window along the outside of the building.  As you can see in the video, the counterpoise is really necessary with this kind of antenna.  It makes a big difference. 

We know that the students could have dispensed with the counterpoise by connecting the copper clad boards to a cold water pipe, but that might be difficult for them.  So we went with the counterpoise. 

After the antenna demonstration I ramble on a bit about the high-school construction project, and where the students could go from here. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Save the Antenna!

SolderSmoke fans have an interest in saving this antenna because it is the site of one of the most amazing RF troubleshooting stories of all time:  Wilson and Penzias were trying to track down some noise.  At one point they thought it might be the result of bird droppings.  Uh, no, it was really the result of the Big Bang!  Please sign the petition: 


Friday, December 9, 2022

R-390s, KWM-2s, Airplanes, and Magnetic Loops -- A Really Interesting Interview with Ted Robinson K1QAR

Eric Guth 4Z1UG has a really interesting interview with Ted Robinson K1QAR.  

I really enjoyed hearing Ted's inspiring story: 



Listeners will like the discussion of the R-390 and the KWM-2.  And his talk about airplanes.  And the joy of repair.  

Here is Ted's QRZ.com page:  https://www.qrz.com/db/K1QAR

Thanks Eric!  Thanks Ted! 

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