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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query KE5HPY. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query KE5HPY. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

KE5HPY Builds a QRP Transmitter


FB Chuck, very cool.  Please send us more reports on this rig.  
Chuck has been on the blog many times, with many projects: 
73  Bill 



Thought you would appreciate a recent project inspired by the fabulous EMRFD.  This started as a test bed W7ZOI universal tx to evaluate my stock of RF BJTs and employ some FT-243s in the shack.  That was interesting by itself but the 16-32 dBm output (choice of device really matters!) did not reach the intended targets using my 40m dipole.  So, add a W7EL RF PA and a nifty, clean 7W emerges after damping output from Q2.  The final is pleasantly efficient and needs only a modest heatsink to survive key down for 60 seconds.  KFS then reported S7-9.  Success.  Time to box it up and go XTO, add a meter output at 30dB down and an RF driven LED indicator.  Left room to add an ATtiny85 CQ keyer but ran out of time.  Had to move house and knock down my 40-6m antennas.  That was the most painful part of moving.  So this rig sits while I find a new place to hang antennas.  Eventually, the TX will get a RX mate when it is possible to box up a 40m DC RX with Si5751 and OLED display. Am still trying to solve how to mount an OLED display cleanly in an aluminum box. First, I have to reconstruct my workbench.


Keep up your good work, and that is no April Fool’s joke. 




Chuck KE5HPY

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

KE5HPY's 12AU7 Quarantine Regen -- FB!

Bill and Pete:

Thanks for upping the frequency of your podcasts.  Each one is a welcome note to break-up the COVID monotony.

Following on to Bill’s 31m rx, I am pleased to have a new regen on the air and performing well.  This started as the 12AU7 Hartley circuit found on the web; however, the original circuit needed some further work IMO.  I made a number of modifications – outboard 30 MHz LPF (to remove our local Spanish FM station), inductive antenna link, variable cap for antenna coupling adjustment, up to 24V on the plate, extra by-passing, NE5532 audio section vs LM386 and a switched cap for a lower “band”.  It’s still a starved triode oscillator/audio amp and it has that regen presence.  Best DX is Singapore (BBC) and Madagascar although it’s ideal for easy listening on 19-60m to Romania, Greece, Cuban music, Spain, etc.  As Bill said, there is still plenty worth listening to on a homebrew AM rx.  40, 30 and 20m copy OK, but bandspread is tricky! Adjusting regen is good for +/- 1 kHz, kind of a poor man’s BFO adjustment.   I heard a TI station calling CQ on 20m and called him back on my Icom for a QSO. 

By the way, this rx has some serious vintage mojo – Hammarlund varicap, National coil form, Millen dial and an RCA tube.  The all-star team plays great together! It’s a kick seeing the filament glow while putting RF through recycled parts made decades ago.



Monday, August 17, 2020

Earth-Moon-Earth -- With Lasers


Thanks to Chuck KE5HPY for alerting us to this very interesting article. 

Saturday, August 1, 2020

SolderSmoke Podcast #224: Mars. Spurs. Bikes. SDR. NanoVNA. Antuino. MAILBAG

SolderSmoke Podcast #224 is available:

1 August 2020

--The launch of Perseverance Mars probe with Ingenuity helicopter.
--China’s Tian Wen 1 on its way – radio amateur Daniel Estevez EA4GPZ is listening to it! 
--Sci Fi Books:  Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson.  No skip on Mars :-(
--We have some sunspots!  SFI now 72 and the Sunspot number is 23. 

Bill's bench: 
--Conquering Ceramic Spurs in Q-31   Roofing filter -- sort of 
--NE602 for a Q-75 converter – Gilbert Cell. 
--Measuring low power levels out of NE602.  Antuino better than 'scope . 
--NanoVNA   Really cool stuff.  SDR in there. 
--Building a 455 kc LC filter from QF-1 rubble. Using LTSPICE, Elsie... 
--Reviving my bicycle AM radio – The “All Japanese 6”
--Understanding L Network impedance matching. 
--Bill’s new resistor kit from Mouser. Thanks to Drew N7DA. 


Pete's Bench: 
--Lockdown Special 
--BPF work on SDR Rig
--I U W I H 

VK3HN Summit Prowler 7
VK2EMU “The Stranger”
SM0P  HB uBITX in Dubai
AE7KI  Worked him in VK from London
ON6UU  EA3GCY’s 4020 rig
KA4KXX A Simpler Mighty Mite
KD4PBJ Radio Schenectady
W3BBO 12AU7 Regen
KE5HPY Another 12AU7 regen
N5VZH Ne602 Converter
KY3R Wall Art
G4WIF  Spectrum Analyzer in your pocket
W2AEW  Talks to UK Club
KK0S Sent 455 Kc IF cans
KL0S Making 9Mhz filters
VU2ESE  Diving into simple SDR schemes
Dean KK4DAS  Amateur Radio Astronomy

Saturday, January 13, 2018

SolderSmoke Podcast #202 Cover-Rig, SKN, Pete's Vector Boards, uBITX, K1BQT rig, MAIL

SolderSmoke Podcast #202 is available: 


13 Jan 2018

Opening music from Shel Silverstein and Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show.  
On the Cover of the Rolling Stone or  On the Cover of SPRAT magazine.
Travelogue and Weather Report
-- Bill's trip to the Dominican Republic.  SWL on the beach.  Return to the ice box.  
-- Dramatic events in California. 

-- Reading Chinese Sci Fi with lots of radio in it.  "The Three Body Problem" by Cixin Liu

Straight Key Night.  IN QRP MODE THANK YOU.  With nephew Jeffrey.  Annual event -- worked Jim W1PID  friend of Mike Rainey.  

Steve Murphy and Jeff Damm on QSO Today.  FB. 

Oh your rig is homebrew?  "It must be propagation." 

ER Reading about G3UUR

Hams avoiding 60 meters due to 100 watt limit.  SAD. 

Bill's Bench:    Continuing series on the Ceramic Discrete DC receiver.   Described  the oscillator and the AF amp.  Next we will do the Mixer.   The most interesting stage. Nephew John Henry and niece Helena visiting today. 

Pete's bench.  uBITX adventures.   
The K1BQT IC transceiver. 
The Vector Board building technique.  See http://n6qw.blogspot.com/

Paul KA5WPL  Looking for project with his son.  Sawdust.  Thanks again  Steve Silverman.

Chris Waldrup OM PBJ thanks for the gift

Pete in contact with Sven Johnson
Chuck KE5HPY sent us picture of fashion model with boatanchors in background  Grayson recalled 73 magazine covers...

Pete WB9FLW        Bilateral  SBE-33 ad  "with inherent stability"  That's the best kind!
Bruce KK0S experimenting with AF amps for the DC receiver

John KE5ETX Attempting CBLA

Saturday, July 25, 2020

ANOTHER 12AU7 REGEN! W3BBO's Quarantine Receiver

Hi Bill,

I was really impressed with Chuck KE5HPY’s 12AU7 Quarantine Regen!  A very nice build and my hat is off to him!  It caught my eye, as I also built a 12AU7 regen during this period, my first “Hollow-State” unit in sometime. 

It would be interesting to find out what other construction projects fellow hams have involved themselves with during this trying time.

Keep melting solder!
73 de Bob W3BBO

Designer: Douglas Bowman | Dimodifikasi oleh Abdul Munir Original Posting Rounders 3 Column