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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query KQ4AOP. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query KQ4AOP. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Scott KQ4AOP Successfully BUILDS a Receiver (Video) -- This is the Homebrew Spirit at its Maximum

This is just so cool.  Scott KQ4AOP has successfully homebrewed a ham radio receiver.  He used the circuit Dean and I developed (with a lot of input from Farhan and others) for the High School receiver project.  But Scott has had more success than any of our students.  And I think he has had -- in a certain sense -- more success than any of us.  After all, how many of us can say -- as Scott can -- that he used a homebrew receiver that he made to listen -- for the very first time -- to amateur radio signals?  Scott writes:  "Those first sounds were my first time ever hearing any Amateur Radio first hand!" 

In the email below, you can see Scott's deep commitment to homebrew: "I want to build my own gear for 40m. I want to learn morse code. I want my first contact to be on my own gear."  Wow Scott, the building of the receiver is the hard part, and you have already done that.  I think you are well on your way.  

In the video above you can watch Scott tune the entire 40 meter band and a bit beyond. You hear CW at the low end.  Then FT-8.  Then SSB.  Up just above the top of the band I think you can hear our old nemesis Radio Marti.  And this powerful broadcaster is NOT breaking through on the rest of the band.  FB Scott.  Congratulations.  



Thank you for the quick response, direction, and pointers. I won't give up, and I am not in a rush. 

I have wanted my amateur radio license since the early-to-mid-80s. I got my Technician and General in May of 2022 and completed my Extra in May 2023. I always wanted to understand how to design circuits, and I wanted to build them. I share that background to say that I have this impractical goal that I am stubborn enough to stick to (all due respect to you and Pete's advice on the topic of getting on the air). I want to build my own gear for 40m. I want to learn morse code. I want my first contact to be on my own gear. So, your blog and podcast really resonates with me. 

I am only teaching myself at this point. It was the perfect project for my goals. I thought that if all these high school kids in Virginia, Canada, and Germany can do it, it was the sweet spot I was looking for. 

The only transceiver I have was recently gifted to me. It is a Sommerkamp TS-788DX CB radio that allegedly works on 10m in addition to CB. I haven't connected it up because I wanted to stay focused on the HSR. I have a mentor who has gear that I can use to test the oscillator. I am not involved with the nearby ham club, but I know they would help if needed. 

Thanks again and I will keep you posted,

73 Scott KQ4AOP

Bill and Dean - Thank you for sharing and documenting this receiver. I greatly appreciate you publishing the circuit, class notes, and build videos. That got me 75% to completion.
I feel blessed that both of you chipped in and encouraged me through the troubleshooting to finally getting the receiver to start “breathing RF”.
Those first sounds were my first time ever hearing any Amateur Radio first hand!

Monday, January 6, 2025

Scott KQ4AOP's PTO Coil Forms for the High-School Direct-Conversion Receiver (Video)

Scott KQ4AOP listened to amateur radio signals for the first time using a homebrew receiver.  That is really something.  See:  https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/search?q=KQ4AOP

Scott then very kindly offered to 3D print the coil form for the PTO that is one of the four stages of our High School receiver project.  The above video shows the coil forms being 3D printed on Scott's machine, and explains where some of them are going. 

Dean KK4DAS will soon launch a video and e-mail-based build of the receiver.  Stay tuned. Dean's series should clear up any remaining questions about how to build this receiver.  As Scott so rightly said: 

"This was my first receiver build and, it was great fun. When you finish the build and prove you are able to tune through the band, you are welcomed into the secret society! The build is the initiation. I am happy to print and ship the PTO if needed."  

Sunday, December 8, 2024

"The Build Is the Initiation" -- KQ4AOP Offers Encouragement and a PTO Coil Form for Receiver Builders

Scott KQ4AOP put a comment on a recent SolderSmoke Blog post that I found especially encouraging and apprportiate. He was writing about his experience building the High School Direct Conversion receiver.  

Scott wrote:

"This was my first receiver build and, it was great fun. When you finish the build and prove you are able to tune through the band, you are welcomed into the secret society! The build is the initiation. I am happy to print and ship the PTO if needed." 

The 3d printed form for the tuning inductor is often a show-stopper for prospective builders.  Scott offers to print out a form for you, and send it to you. 

Scott's mailing address is on his QRZ page.  His e-mail address is: streez55@gmail.com

 Thanks Scott! 

Here is a post I did early this year on Scott's receiver: 

Here are the SolderSmoke Posts about this project  (keep scrolling -- there are 41 posts!):

Saturday, February 10, 2024

SolderSmoke Podcast #250 Dean KK4DAS joins Pete N6QW and Bill N2CQR

SolderSmoke Podcast # 250 is ready for download: 


VIDEO VERSION: (1707) SolderSmoke Podcast #250 -- With Pete N6QW, Dean KK4DAS, and Bill N2CQR - YouTube

Intro:   Welcome to Dean KK4DAS.  For 2024 Pete and I hope to jazz things up a bit by bringing in fellow homebrewers to talk about their projects.  Dean is our first victim.  Welcome Dean. 

Some good news:  Several new homebrew receivers are inhaling:  Armand WA1UQO in Richmond has an amazing looking regen.  Scott KQ4AOP in Tennessee got his DC RX working.  Mike AG5VG in Texas has been homebrewing BITX 20s and BITX 40s.  All are on the blog.  

Pete's report: 

-- Recent blog entries on filters,  SSB rig architecture, and of course digital VFOs. 

-- Phasing measurements, quadrature, and the Seeed Xiao RP2040

-- Error in QST article on early SSB transceiver.  ANOTHER ERROR!

--LC VFO on blog!  FB Pete!  

Dean's report:  

-- Tales of woe on the homebrew sBITX

-- Help from Farhan.  

-- Ground Bounce.  FFT Hallucinations.   Wisdom files.


-- Whenever you are tempted to buy something from AMAZON, just start at the Amazon symbol on the right side of the page.  We get a cut from Bezos, and it doesn't cost you anything.  

-- You can try to do the same thing with E-bay.  We are finding a lot of great parts there. 

-- If you see a SolderSmoke post on Facebook,  please Like and forward. 

-- Become a patron!  Go to the Patreon page.  We put the money to good SolderSmoke use. 

-- Visit Mostly DIY RF and buy a PSSST kit!  

Bill's bench:  

-- Building yet another BITX dual bander.  15-10 again. Tried to use a 25 MHz filter left over from the earlier project, but I had to build another.  Built a new VFO using the variable cap and anti-backlash gear recommended by Pete.  Was a bit tough to get the receiver sounding good.   Had a diode ring as the second mixer, but went back to a singly balanced mixer. 

-- 10 meter AM -- Thanks to Jerry Coffman K5JC for mod. 

Other topics: 

--Counterfeit chips.  Why? 


Wes W7ZOI 

Jim Cook W8NSA  Transoceanic BFO

Grayson KJ7UM -- Vintage Computer Museum

Chuck Adams --Glad to hear that Chuck is doing well.  

Frank Harris  K0IYE --  NO CHIPS!!!! 

ED DD5LP  Antenna software

Eldon KC5U  10 AM We  made a contact

Joh DL6ID  10 AM   

Phil   W1PJE of MIT   10AM   Where is L5? 

Bob WP4BQV now in UK 

Dino Papas KL0S in Wilmington   Reverse Polarity protection. 

AA7EE Dave Richards  Liked Armand's receiver

Rogier PA1ZZ  

Jonathan-san W0XO  Listened to my ET-2 CW Whoop,whoop

Nick M0NTV  Great videos from Nick the Vic

Will KI4POV  Working on his own SSB rigs.  

John West -- Who is the South American ham who made his capacitors and heat sinks? 

Ed KC8SBV  Working on DC receiver, experimenting with FETs 

Mike WN2A great contributions.  Si5351 sole source danger! 

Nick N3FJZ -- watch out for dead bands when testing receivers! 

Don KM4UDX encouragement from new Prez of VWS

Dave K8WPE Likes QF1 Cap backlash.  Says I'm getting soft! 

Dave WA1LBP My fellow Hambassador, from Okinawa USMC Sergeant with a workshop. 

Friday, February 2, 2024

First Light! First Signals received on Version II of Homebrew 15-10 Transceiver

Ianis S51DX in Slovenia was the first call sign heard. Some peaking and tweaking remains to be done, but the receiver is working.

Congratulations to Scott KQ4AOP who got his Direct Conversion receiver working yesterday, And congratulations to Armand WA1UQO who got his regen receiver working. I think all of us are following Farhan's advice and are taking some time to just listen to the receivers we have built ourselves.

Monday, September 16, 2024

"QRP Classics" The Book that Got Me Started in Homebrew

A question this morning from Scott KQ4AOP caused me to Google this old book    On page 59 I found the article about my first transmitter.  Someone has put a copy of the entire book on the interenet.  Here it is: 


Thursday, February 15, 2024

More Inspiring Mail! Another "First Ever Receiver was Homebrew"

Frank's Lowfer Beacon Receiver

It was great to hear from someone else who, like Scott KQ4AOP, heard his very first signals on a homebrew receiver.  That is a really wonderful way to start.  Frank's first receiver was built around the NE602 chip.  I had trouble understanding this IC but I finally cracked the code: 


The picture that Frank sent is of a more recent project, this one a Lowfer receiver that picks up signals from beacons. 


Hello Bill, 

I just wanted to message you and tell you I really enjoyed your book Soldersmoke. I've been listening to the podcast as well.  On the latest one you mentioned a fellow who heard his first ham radio signals on a homebrew receiver, and that's how it was for me as well! There were lots of articles about using  the NE602 in the electronics magazines back in the day. I put one of the circuits together and it worked pretty smoothly... I eventually got my ham radio licence (KC8JJL) sometime in the 90's. The first time I met a ham was when I showed up to take the test!  

I don't do much transmitting these days but I still love to listen and tinker.  Here's a picture of a direct conversion LF receiver I put together... It uses an NE602 and is varactor tuned. It only covers from around 300Khz to just over 400khz  but there are still a few beacons I can hear in MI and WI. 

Frank James

Monday, January 13, 2025

SolderSmoke Podcast #256: HNY SKN, LA Fires, Barkhausen! Southern Cross, Homebrew vs. Kits, AN762 Kit, Woe, Beacon, ARRL Kids, SDR Build, DC RX videos, Pete Hacked! Power alternatives, KWM4, Mailbag

A Tale of Woe! 

SolderSmoke Podcast #256 is available: 

:  From the DR.  

Happy New Year! 

Fires in LA.  

Dean:  Breaking the Barkhausen criteria.  

Seeing the Southern Cross for the first time in 30 years. 

For all three of us:  The SolderSmoke Homebrew Challenge.  And assembling a kit. https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2025/01/some-history-of-homebrew-ham-radio-from.html




Bill's (Southern) Bench: 

-- SKN with QCX given to me by Bob.  Thanks Bob! 

-- Finishing up the AN762 .1kW amplifier.  Socketry and relays.  Working well.  

-- A tale of woe:  Some difficult troubleshooting on the 15-10 rig. Intermittent oscillation.   Naturally I blamed the TJ DC RX AF amp.  Spent a lot of time working on that amplifier.  But problem always returned.  Started looking at output from carrier osc/BFO.  Waveform weird. Then weirdness disappeared and so did the whooping.  So I rebuilt the entire carrier osc/BFO/ mixer board.  Went back to singly balanced 2 diode mixer.  Used LTSpice for the oscillator amp.. No more whooping.  Turning the diodes on and off  but not quite 7 dbm...  Should I be concerned? 

-- A 10 meter beacon!  28.233   Please listen. Send e-mail reports.   Thanks to WN2A.   

-- Antenna thoughts.  Getting a tripod.  

The HI7/N2CQR 10 meter Beacon


SHAMELESS COMMERCE!   Mostly DIY RF!  Lots of useful kits and boards there.  I have used their TIA boards.  Todd K7TFC is one of us.  FB store. 

Become a SolderSmoke patron.  We need the help.  Homebrew is under seige!  We are one of the few sites, blogs, podcasts that are promoting it!  Help us!  

Buy stuff from Amazon and E-bay using the links on our sites. 


Dean's Bench: 

-- ARRL kids day -- Exhausting.

-- VWS Makers SDR receiver build.  

-- High School DC RX Build news. How to watch the videos.  


Pete's Bench:  

-- Hacked! 

-- Power Alternatives. 

-- Thermatron Finals

-- KWM-4. 



Dave Newkirk W9BRD (son of Rod).  Great comments on homebrew radio. And a great picture. 

Derek N9TD built the DC Receiver.  FB Derek! 

Peter VK2EMU at 39C in Australia.  HOT! 

Drew N7DA -- Some great comments on kits vs. homebrew. 

Tommy SA2CLC has a nice video about fixing the cavity resonator in his HP8640.  Respect! 

Ben KC9DLM sent good presentation from India: https://github.com/kholia/talks/blob/master/Dhiru_My_RF_Homebrew_Adventures.pdf

Scott KQ4AOP and Derek N9TD offering to 3D Print PTO coil forms.  FB!  

Donnie WA9TGT on the beautiful signals from DC receivers. 

Chuck KE5HPY's FB Altoids DC receiver

Todd VE7BPO:  POPCORN ELECTRONICS IS BACK!  Thanks Todd.  And thanks Vasily! 

Jim KA4THC has his uBITX on the air and is making contacts!  

Farhan VU2ESE fond memories of homebrew dinner with Wes and other HB Heroes (on the blog). 

Charlie ZL2CTM -- About his new Pelican Case SSB rig. 

Walter KA4KXX.  All new hams should build a transmitter. 

Buzz W3EMD  A nice QSO on 10 and then a shout out to the Old Military Radio Net

Stations that heard my beacon and reported to RBN

Friday, December 13, 2024

SolderSmoke Podcast #255 -- Accept the HB Challenge!, DeMaw SSB, Brilliant TR-3, Tube Talk, Ground Truth, Tales of Woe, SDR RX, Pico Balloons, MAILBAG

Mythbuster II -- 20 meters only

SolderSmoke Podcast #255 is avalable: 

--   First: Happy Holidays!   I have on a Santa Claus hat!  

-- December 18.  Pete completes another orbit.  Happy Birthday Pete.  Please send him birthday greetings. 

 --  Bill was on Ham Radio Workbench: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/11/bill-n2cqr-appears-as-guest-on-ham.html  Our challenge to HRWB.  Gauntlet thrown down... OUR CHALLENGE HAS BEEN GRACIOUSLY ACCEPTED!     We now extend the challenge to the entire SolderSmoke community: Build one of these:  https://hackaday.io/project/190327-high-schoolers-build-a-radio-receiver

Homebrewing is not for the faint of heart!  Accept the challenge!  Build stuff! 

Our question:  Did Doug DeMaw ever build an SSB transceiver?  Starting in September 1985 he wrote a five part series on an SSB TRANSMITTER for QST.  But he prefaces it by asking, "Why would anyone build an SSB transmitter today?" He says it would be fun "for the experience and understanding it would provide." But not for use, you see... And it is not a transceiver. 

Bill's theory about DeMaw, SSB,CW and sideband inversion:  He was a CW guy so sideband inversion did not really matter. He could get it wrong and still make it work.  

Pete's Bench: 

Brilliance and the TR3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C-eYB8yFzg&t=13s

A tale of woe.  Done in by a light bulb.

Thanksgiving dinner and SSB transceivers. https://n6qw.blogspot.com/2024/11/11292024-how-to-homebrew-thanksgiving.html             https://www.pastapete.com/

Hybrid plans:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKUjHZMf3Fs&t=5s

Dean's Bench:

Travelogue – Falcon 9 Launch

Building a homebrew T Match tuner for the end-fed long wave – sourcing the parts, winding the coil – taps, testing 

VWS Makers Projects

SDR Receiver Project – starting in January

VWS Pico Balloon – Traquito - Traquito - WSPR Pico Balloon

Revisiting the 10M DSB rig

Soldersmoke listener challenge – build a DCR with KK4DAS – overview then one board a week

SHAMELESS COMMERCE DIVISION:  Mostly DIY RF.    Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel.  And use the Amazon link on our blog.  Become a Patron via Patreon (on the blog). SolderSmoke is now on Blue Sky and Threads -- follow us or at least like us there. Please turn on automatic downloads on your podcast app -- most podcast apps will only store a few episodes. This will help bump the numbers, which will improve visibility.  Please give the show five stars and, if possible, a nice review on your podcast service,  That will help with the discovery rate for people looking for new podcasts.

Bill's Bench:

Is "The Ground" a Myth?   ARRL VP says Ground is a Myth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdX-978tvkY.  Bill disagrees.  Helicopter story.  Refrigerator story.  Original single wire telegraph system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-wire_earth_return

Front Panel and Freq Counter for the Mythbuster II. 

Another Tale of woe:  A mysterious audio problem on the 15-10 II rig.  Done in by.... Duh!   Comparing sideband suppression with Mythbuster I.  Differences in Hfe?  Notes on Mythbuster II build. 

TinySA Ap -- A cure for Fat Finger Syndrome? : http://athome.kaashoek.com/tinySA/Windows/  How to get and load the Ap (you might want to start watching at 1:11) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu4X5dyUlpo&t=2s  General info video on the TinySA Ultra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C24RnYNOWQ&t=1143s

For the DR shack -- I got a Swan SWR-1A on E-Bay. 


-- Scott KQ4AOP trying to track down the DeMaw SSB transceiver mystery.  On the DC Receiver: This was my first receiver build and, it was great fun. When you finish the build and prove you are able to tune through the band, you are welcomed into the secret society! The build is the initiation.I am happy to print and ship the PTO if needed. 

-- Bill WA5DSS has built a High School Direct Conversion Receiver! 

-- Grayson KJ7UM liked the 1971 video on old THERMATRON AM radios: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/11/basic-radio-circuitry-1971-film.html

-- Chris KD4PBJ sent nice electronic care package. 

-- Walter KA4KXX is honored that Dean named his dog for him (Walter was just kidding) 

-- Thanks to Bob W8SX for FDIM 2024 interviews.

-- Tony G4WIF insomnia driving him to podcasts.  Amazed by quantity of food eaten on Thanksgiving. 

-- Nice comment from Trigger about the podcast.

-- Clint says "valves" when he means THERMATRONS.   Kindly asks about "Oooo Thats Awesome"

-- Eric 4Z1UG faced with a new challenge.  Get well soon OM.

-- Sam WN5C and his Chat GPT AI Elmer. 

-- Paul VK3HN on using AI for electronic design.  I dunno... Apocalypse Now in the DR?

-- Tommy SA2CLC FB old military gear on QRZ site. Helps with HP8640B repair. 

-- Mike WN2A nice comments on Chappy Happy's FB Tezukuri DC RX https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/11/tezukuri-and-chappy-happy-amazing.html 

-- Allison KB1GMX.  Good info on ground truth. 

-- Phil W1PJE Had to throw out 15 test leads.  Fake wire!  

--Todd K7TFC Thoughtful comments on AI and ChatGPT, Help with TinySA Ap 

-- Steve KW4H Boatanchor guy.  Likes that we often scratch our heads trying to understand. 

-- Nick M0NTV built a 40 meter DC receiver: https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2024/12/a-40-meter-direct-conversion-receiver.html

-- Dave AA0KU asks about CCI amp (AN762)  Also woking on Drakes. 

-- Jack (Dhaka Jack!) F4WEF/AI4SV  Good thoughts on how to bolster SolderSmoke's ratings.

--Tobias thinks the decline IS ALL HIS FAULT!   

-- Tony VE7JUL building a TJ DC RX.  Go Canada! Dean says: 3D print PTO former at 110%

-- Jim KI4THC getting his uBITX on the air. 

10S November 23, 2024 1517Z SV1AER Kostas in Athens.  Said a very sincere “Oh my goodness! Congratulations!  That is not a very common thing!” when I told him rig was homebrewed.  Nice fellow.  Great response. 

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