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Saturday, September 7, 2024

IMD and Splatter



I think the point I was trying to make about the influence of signal strength is here:  

Referring to fig. 1C, note the high level of rf at the 3rd order level - typically 36-dB down. Consequently, there will be rf energy outside the normal 23 kHz passband that will be only 36-dB below the carrier peaks, or about one four-thousandth of the peak power. Not bad if the station is only 25-30 dB out of the noise, but very objectionable if it's 40-60 dB out of the noise.

I think it is supposed to read "2-3 kHz passband" vice "23kHz passband."

I guess the point is that QRP levels of operation can hide a host of ills.   IMD ills.  This makes me wonder about the cleanliness of my own signals.   I will have to do some more careful measurements. 

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