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Sunday, April 26, 2009

SolderSmoke 106 Podcast


In SolderSmoke 106:

Sicily, Mt. Etna, The Godfather
DSB success on WSPR
Am I the lowest power WSPR station in the world?
Diode Ring Mixers
SolderSmoke: The Book
SolderSmoke: The Cologne?
And now, a word from our sponsor: Genesis Radio

Our first sponsor: GenesisRadio

SolderSmoke is very pleased to have GenesisRadio of Australia as our first sponsor. Check out their site: http://www.genesisradio.com.au/G40/index.html

My very ugly DSB QRPP WSPR Rig

As described in SolderSmoke 106. My beacon box is the vertical aluminum box. The junk box AF Amp lies on the shelf. Like they used to say, "It's ugly, but it gets you there."

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Eldon's awesome 9V QRSS rig

Amazing! That's the whole rig, keyer chip included! And those red wires you see coming off the end -- that's the loop antenna. Here is Eldon's description of this rig:

For now, even thou it worked, I have abandoned the Water Tank QRSS Encoder, for a more traditional ID Keyer (K-ID2), and I have been busy rebuilding my 9 Volt Battery QRSS transmitter.

For my first approach, I wanted to use the Manhattan style of construction using mostly SMDs. The Oscillator was very successful even thou there were NO actual Manhattan Islands use, the components are just tacked-soldered together - I guess it would have to be called the "Ugly SMD Style".

Photos of Rev-0 are available on my web site;

Setting the frequency was tough, as the some initial installed component's had to be replaced to get it to oscillate and adjustable within the 100Hz QRSS band. The "Ugly SMD Style" of construction is possible, but circuit changes are difficult. I decided to etch a HB circuit board to provide for a more physically stable "component selection breadboard", where SMDs part values could be easily tried, by just pressing them down in place (which BTW works very well). I then decided to expand the etched board to include space for the K-ID2 Keyer - with the goal of direct QRSS modulation with very few additional components.

This all worked so well, that I constructed another for a final form. Note: the second transistor in the photos is a 78L05 voltage regulator, which is used to help with long term oscillator stabilization, and used to reduce the power requirement and provide battery longevity.

The final QRSS Beacon uses a SMD 2N3904 for the oscillator and is now transmitting 1.5mW into a 18 inch loop antenna, currently only my grabber shows the results. But - My plan is to build this Beacon into the center insulator of a 30m Dipole and then start looking for QRSS Grabber DX. The battery should last several days at this very low power.

My goal is: to achieve long distance, with a very physically-small transmitter, small part count, and with extremely low power.

It will take me several days to construct and install the dipole antenna, until then you can see this Beacon sending "WA0UWH" on the Seattle Grabber:


73's - Eldon - WA0UWH

On to the Canary Islands

Got up this morning, walked into the shack and saw on my computer screen a thin green line from Rome to the Canary Islands. I knew that my little WSPR station had reached out to new territory, and had established a new distance record (for me). Life is good!
As I've been doing, I decided to see who was at the other end of that line. It was Luis, EA8AY (pictured above). Luis's station picked up my 18 milliwatt signal at 2106 UTC on April 24. The distance was 1871 miles (3011 kilometers). I was 23 db below the noise.
Luis has a very nice web page: http://www.ea8ay.com/index.html (Warning: This site will likely cause feelings of extreme jealousy: Luis is living in a fantastic location, with a beautiful family AND he is the owner of an Argonaut 509!)
On his site, Luis has a nice video that will give you a sense of what WSPR is like:

wspr with 100 mw from luis on Vimeo.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Crossing a small bit of the pond...

I got into WSPR because I wanted to one day walk into my shack and be greeted by a Google map with big long lines showing my milliwatt signal stretching bravely across various oceans. That hasn't really happened yet, but I got a taste of it this morning courtesy of OY3JE's WSPR station. Jan lives in the Faroe islands, about 1600 miles from me. Last night at around 2300 UTC my 18 mw WSPR signal made it to Jan's location. I was 29 db below the noise. Thanks Jan!
(The images above and below are of Jan's locations in the Faroe islands (from his site).

Thursday, April 23, 2009

WSPRing along at 27 db below the noise....

WSPR is fun. I haven't crossed any ponds yet, but the real- time displays of the reception reports are very addictive:
Be sure to click on the map display also.

I was intrigued by the Signal to Noise ratio column, and wondered what the reference bandwidth for the noise was. K1JT's pages show the reference bandwidth is 2500 Hz, and that WSPR can decode signals that are as much as 27 db below that noise.

That's great. I guess I don't have to worry about the lower sideband of my 30 mw signal causing anyone any trouble. It will be very far down in the noise.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Are Diode Ring Mixers Fundamentally Different?

Joop, PE1CQP, and I have been discussing mixer circuits, especially the ever-popular diode ring.
Here is my latest e-mail to Joop. The RSGB diagram for the ring diode mixer appears above.

Joop: I think the way the diode ring mixer works is very different from the way a two diode singly balanced mixer functions. The effect, of course, is the same. But the polarity reversing element introduced by the ring configuration -- it seems to me -- makes this a very different circuit.

Attached is the RSGB Handbook diagram I mentioned. I like it, because you can really SEE how the actions of the diode ring produce the sum and difference freqs (you have to keep Fourier in mind, and imagine the results of filtering).

The two diode circuit simply "chops" the input signal at the rate of the LO. And it would even work in a non-switching mode -- you could, for example, use FETs instead of the diodes and bias them to operate in the non-linear portion of their curves, right? This makes me think that the diode ring mixer circuits (aka "polarity switching mixers" or "commutating mixers") are very different.

73 Bill

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Balloon! Project Blue Horizon Reaches Mid-Atlantic

Wow, that's an exciting track. The intrepid radio amateurs at Cornell University have a balloon up over the mid-Atlantic. It is approaching my old stomping grounds in the Azores. Beacons are onboard and reports are requested. Here are some more details:

Balloon Launch - Assist in Tracking

The NS3 group of Cornell University engineering graduate students will launch PBH-9 (Project Blue Horizon) from Lockheed Martin in Owego NY on Sunday evening, 19 Apr 09, at approximately 21:00 EDT (Monday, 20 Apr 09, 01:00UT)

This ARHAB flight (Amateur Radio High Altitude Ballooning) will ascend and then float for up to 50-hours while drifting to the east.

The payload will include a KC2TUA-8 144.390 APRS beacon
(track via (http://findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?call=KC2TUA-8)
and HF CW position report and telemetry downlinks on 7.104MHz and 10.148MHz.

The NS3 PBH-9 team requests distant ground stations receive and report HF telemetry via N2XE@arrl.net including reception UT date and time.

Distant receiving stations are welcome to also submit HF
reception reports to W0RPK@amsat.org for the ARHAB <50mhz href="http://showcase.netins.net/web/wallio/ARHABrecords.htm" target="_blank">http://showcase.netins.net/web/wallio/ARHABrecords.htm.

Additional PBH-9 information including HF telemetry transmit schedule and format is available via

Flight updates are available from the NS3 PBH-9 team
via http://twitter.com/pbh3.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

WSPR Double Sideband Success!

Oh, how sweet it is. Today I finally got my WSPR station working. Before departing for Sicily, I installed a diode ring mixer (supplied by Jim, AL7RV) between my MEPT oscillator and my two stage 50 mw power amplifier. I thought I might have enough audio coming out of my sound card to modulate the transmitter, but I soon found out that I needed more AF. Lazy after a week on the road in sunny and snowy Sicily, I reached into the junkbox and pulled out the guts of an old computer speaker amplifier. Some really ugly jerry-rigging ensued. The amp is now sitting near the TX, powered by its own 9V battery. Looks like I'm getting about 25 mw out, but that's from both sidebands. So I'm guessing I'm at around 10 mw.

Following guidance from Gene, W3PM (whose FB SSB rig inspired this effort), I set my oscillator at 10138700. That puts the upper sideband in the middle of the WSPR band.

Here's my first set of reports:

Reported Distance
Date Call

km mi
2009-04-19 18:32 N2CQR

1353 841
2009-04-19 18:32 N2CQR

1343 835
2009-04-19 18:30 N2CQR

1353 841
2009-04-19 18:26 N2CQR

977 607
2009-04-19 18:26 N2CQR

1519 944
2009-04-19 18:26 N2CQR

1343 835
2009-04-19 18:24 N2CQR

1343 835
2009-04-19 14:24 N2CQR

1601 995

Hey, is this a first? Has anyone else run WSPR DSB?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sicily, Mt. Etna... and The Godfather

Here's some Italy travelogue, well, actually Sicily travelogue. Above, our two heroes are seen with the Etna volcano in the background. Etna is Europe's largest active volcano. It was spitting out lava while we were there. The top is currently at about 10,800 feet (3300 meters). (It varies!) We went up to the 8200 feet (2480 meters) level (via cable car). Here is what it looked like from there:
It was COLD up there. We didn't stay long. Within 90 minutes of this picture being taken, the kids were back at sea level, and in the pool at 80F.

Here is a GoogleEarth View. The yellow marker shows the place at which we took the picture of us in the snow. (The Google shots were from May/June 2006).

Those of you who are fans of The Godfather movie will remember this scene:
Well, here we are, in the same place (but without the shotguns):

Francis Ford Coppola filmed most of the Sicilian scenes not in Western Sicily (where the village of Corleone really is) but in the East, near the beach resort of Taormina, in the village of Savoca. The Bar Vitelli is where Michael Corleone met Apollonia's father. Savoca also has the church where Michael and Apollonia began their brief and unfortunately explosive marriage.

We really liked Sicily. It is a beautiful place, rich in history, and with really nice people.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

In Sicily

No posts to blog this week -- we are in Sicily, near the Etna volcano.
Beautiful place. Will talk about this in next podcast. 73
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